Homecoming (2018)

Homecoming Season 1

This review of Homecoming Episode 10, "Stop", contains spoilers. You can check out our thoughts on the previous episode by clicking these words. The...
Homecoming - Julia Roberts - Stop - Episode 10 review

'Homecoming' Episode 10 - "Stop" - The Finale | Amazon TV Review

This review of Homecoming Episode 9, "Work", contains spoilers. You can check out our thoughts on the previous episode by clicking these words. "Work"...
Homecoming - Julia Roberts - Work - Episode 9 review

'Homecoming' Episode 9 - "Work" | Amazon TV Review

This review of Homecoming Episode 7, "Test", contains spoilers. You can check out our thoughts on the previous episode by clicking these words. It...
Homecoming - Julia Roberts - Test - Episode 7 review

'Homecoming' Episode 7 - "Test" | Amazon TV Review

This review of Homecoming Episode 6, "Toys", contains spoilers. You can check out our thoughts on the previous episode by clicking these words. Colin...
Homecoming - Julia Roberts - Toys - Episode 6 review

'Homecoming' Episode 6 - "Toys" | Amazon TV Review

This review of Homecoming Episode 5, "Helping", contains spoilers. You can check out our thoughts on the previous episode by clicking these words. "Helping"...
Homecoming - Julia Roberts - Helping - Episode 5 review

'Homecoming' Episode 5 - "Helping" | Amazon TV Review

This review of Homecoming Episode 4, "Redwood", contains spoilers. You can check out our thoughts on the previous episode by clicking these words. Homecoming is...
Homecoming - Julia Roberts - Redwood - Episode 4 review

'Homecoming' Episode 4 - "Redwood" | Amazon TV Review

This review of Homecoming Episode 3, "Optics", contains spoilers. You can check out our thoughts on the previous episode by clicking these words. After...
Homecoming - Julia Roberts - Optics - Episode 3 review

'Homecoming' Episode 3 - "Optics" | Amazon TV Review

When I heard that Julia Roberts was going to be part of the new Amazon Prime series Homecoming, I was pleasantly surprised and...
Homecoming - Julia Roberts - Mandatory - Episode 1 review

'Homecoming' Episode 1 - "Mandatory" | Amazon TV Review