Will there be a Black Butterflies Season 2 on Netflix?

By Jonathon Wilson
Published: October 15, 2022
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Will there be a Black Butterflies Season 2 on Netflix?

This article discusses the potential of Black Butterflies season 2 and its renewed or canceled status. It contains spoilers for the first season.

The French Netflix limited series Black Butterflies, or Les Papillons Noirs, is a complicated affair. Created by and , it tells a complicated story across multiple time periods. The official synopsis is as follows:

Albert Desiderio, a humble retired man, decides to hire a novelist to write his memoirs. But the amazing love story Albert shared with Solange during the 70’s turns out to be the confession of a serial killers couple.

Amongst the people who’re frantically trying to figure out how it all fits together and what it all means (hey, why not check out our Black Butterflies ending explained?), many will also be speculating about the show’s potential future, so here’s everything we know about that.

Renewed or canceled status – will there be a Black Butterflies Season 2?

Status: TBC

While it’s too close to the show’s release to have official word either way, in all likelihood Black Butterflies will not be renewed for a second season.

The show has been advertised as a miniseries, which rarely receive follow-ups aside from in very specific and unlikely circumstances. And artistically speaking, the six episodes work as a (relatively) complete story that would perhaps be harmed by returning to the same well and providing more explication.

Given the grim subject matter and relative complexity of the narrative, Black Butterflies is unlikely to overperform for the streamer in terms of raw viewership and social media traction. With several of the main characters dead or incarcerated, and most of the major reveals already having happened, there’s little here to be followed on from, unless the metaphorical concept of the black butterflies and the implications of the imagery formed the basis for a new, similar story, that involved completely different characters and a separate premise.

You can stream Black Butterflies Season 1 exclusively on Netflix.

Netflix, News, Streaming Service
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