How does Judy die in Dead to Me season 3?

By Marc Miller
Published: November 19, 2022 (Last updated: November 30, 2022)
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How does Judy die in Dead to Me season 3? We discuss the popular character and her presumed death in the series.

It has been a long wait for another season of Dead to Me, and its Sopranos ending has been controversial, to say the least. However, before that jaw-dropping series ending that faded to black, fans of the show were devastated by Judy’s cancer diagnosis and even more by how Cardellini’s character left the show. Let’s get into it!

What is Judy diagnosed with in Dead to Me season 3?

At the beginning of the season, a doctor accidentally told Jen that an x-ray showed something possibly cancerous. Of course, we find out the medical professional thought he was talking to Judy. Jen was quite shaken since her mother died of cancer, something that happened when she was a teenager, and now feels guilt over her relief. When Judy is eventually told, she visits an oncologist. They run some tests, and the outlook is bleak. Judy has been diagnosed with cervical cancer. For reference, when cervical cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, the 5-year relative survival rate is 92%. However, if this cancer spreads to “nearby tissues, organs, or regional lymph nodes,” there is a 5*% survival rate for anyone in that same period.

After going through chemo, Judy goes in for her test results. The audience believes this is good news since she is seen right after rollerblading and enjoying life down the beautiful sunny Laguna beach coastline. Of course, we found out she was enjoying herself because life is short – Judy was given a terminal diagnosis.

How does Judy die in Dead to Me season 3?

Judy wants to die on her own terms in Dead to Me season 3, so she takes Steve’s boat out into the ocean, and Jen never sees her again. Does Judy sail off into the sunset to visit unseen and magical lands? Does she want to sail out into the sunset and commit suicide on the boat? We do not know, and her demise is left to her our own imagination.

Especially with Jen, who left Mexico in tears and drove Steve’s mustang, the murder weapon that killed her husband Ted, back to America.

Is the death shown on screen?

The last time we saw Judy was the night before. In fact, we do not even see Judy sailing Steve’s boat into the vast ocean waters. All that is left is an empty dock, and Jen’s best friend is nowhere to be found. There is nothing to indicate that Judy has yet died. We can only assume that Judy will take her own life sometime in the near future.

However, we do have a theory. With Judy’s mother telling Jen that her daughter always is involved in a scheme, could all of this be a way for her to escape the Greeks and keep most of the money? The last time we saw Eleanor, the scene seemed to indicate that she was the one who protected her daughter. I propose Judy sailed off into the sunset to meet her mother somewhere down the coast of Mexico to start a new life with Steve’s money.

Now, wouldn’t that be a great intro for a surprise fourth season?

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