Exhibit A Recap: A Speck Of Blood

By Daniel Hart - June 29, 2019 (Last updated: January 3, 2024)
Netflix Series Exhibit A Season 1, Episode 2 - Blood Spatter

By Daniel Hart - June 29, 2019 (Last updated: January 3, 2024)


Exhibit A Season 1, Episode 2, “Blood Spatter” deals with another potential injustice, as it delves into the world of blood spatter science to solve homicide cases.

This recap of Netflix’s Exhibit A Season 1, Episode 2, “Blood Spatter” contains spoilers. You can read our full recap of the previous episode by clicking these words.

After Dexter, I do not believe anyone will ever trust a blood spatter expert ever again. I always wonder what must go through people’s mindS to wake up one day and say, “that’s it, that’s what I want — I want to analyse blood in homicide cases as a full-time profession”. Even without a fictional TV series that involves the science, one must wonder what goes through the minds of a friend when speaking to their blood spatter expert acquaintance. Exhibit A episode 2 delves into the science, and how it evolves.

“Blood Spatter” turns to the case of Norma Edmund, a woman whose unpopular husband was murdered in cold blood while in his bed. She claims that she ran out of the house as soon as she heard gunshots and the case was labelled as “cold” for years. Until one day, a cold case unit decided to reopen it, interview family and friends, and analyse an old gown from the crime scene. The dress supposedly had microscopic blood spatter all over it. Well, that’s what the opening of episode 2 makes us believe.

But we soon find out that the forensic team concluded that most of the specks were unknown entities and could not be proved to be blood. They only found one microscopic speck. This was enough evidence to sentence Norma Edmund to prison at the ripe age of 65. Exhibit A episode 2 raises another potential injustice, leaving little hope at the end that this will be resolved. There are so many cases recently where blood spatters becomes so divisive, that there must be an argument in whether the science needs to be streamlined or re-examined.

Exhibit A episode 2, “Blood Spatter” leaves many questions unanswered.

Our coverage continues – to read the recap of the third episode, click these words

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