Pearson Recap: Jessica is Back, Hungrier than Ever

By Daniel Hart - July 18, 2019 (Last updated: March 26, 2024)
Pearson season 1, episode 1 - The Alderman

By Daniel Hart - July 18, 2019 (Last updated: March 26, 2024)


Pearson season 1, episode 1, “The Alderman” does well to introduce a new world to the fans of Suits, while also ensuring new audiences can pick it up.

This recap of Pearson season 1, episode 1, “The Alderman” contains spoilers.

Well, S*** – we have ourselves a Suits universe folks. I cover a lot of film and TV, but I had no idea that one of my favorite series were birthing a sister from Chicago. I quickly scurried home and pressed play on episode 1 of Pearson. 

I want to think that if you have not watched Suits, you’d still be comfortable with Pearson, but context is so important. Jessica Pearson (Gina Torres) has a lot of layers born from the original series, and “The Alderman” does well to maintain that narrative. She’s an ex-lawyer, do not mess with her — that’s the slogan coming from the pilot — and I felt that.

Picking up from her retirement in New York after tearing a beating at the Bar and losing her license, Jessica is starting a new role working for the Chicago mayor Bobby Golec (Morgan Spector) who is flagrantly up to no good. Jessica’s man Jeff disapproves of her appointment, and her cousin Angela is singing his hymn sheet. Pearson is not making it easy for the ex-lawyer.

On the sidelines is Keri Allen (Bethany Joy Lenz), the attorney that helped take away Jessica Pearson’s license in Suits. She works in the mayor’s office and has a secret sexual relationship with the man that Jessica suspects. Episode 1, “The Alderman” is forming sour relationships that could develop into an A-team later down the line. It’s hard to tell at this stage. But for now, there’s conflict. I say — let them fight.

The story in episode 1 is about the local Alderman that appears to not care about the school’s drying up in funds, resulting in the pending closure of Franklin. Jessica has a vested interested in the community, with her family residing there and spends the morning conversing with the protestors outside the school.

Further plot points to note in episode 1, “The Alderman” is Pat McGann having an agenda against Jessica Pearson and requesting that Bobby’s brother Nick D’Amato (Simon Kassianides) spies on the mayor. The mayor wants to keep Pearson close to him, as an enemy, not as a friend.

With the episode drawing to its conclusion with many cogs at play and relying on Suits, Jessica manages to screw Keri over in a lawsuit intentionally due to their past, but a part of me believes these two will team up eventually. Jessica also manages to engineer the current Alderman to support Franklin school, resign and help the mayor’s dying fleet. Pearson asks Bobby to hire a new Alderman who cares about the community. The ex-lawyer is making her mark very early.

Pearson season 1, episode 1, “The Alderman” if anything was a base-layer, introducing our beloved character to the seedy world of politics in Chicago. It’s promising.

You can read the recap of the next episode by clicking these words.

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