Jayde Adams: Serious Black Jumper Review: Feminism And Confidence

By Daniel Hart - January 3, 2020 (Last updated: February 12, 2024)
Amazon Prime Stand-up Jayde Adams: Serious Black Jumper
By Daniel Hart - January 3, 2020 (Last updated: February 12, 2024)


Jayde Adams: Serious Black Jumper dives into feminism and confidence with the comedian shelling out relentless, hilarious punchlines.

Amazon Prime Special Jayde Adams: Serious Black Jumper was released on the platform on January 3, 2020.

On a day Amazon released a couple of stand-ups, I am a little ashamed to admit that I’ve never watched any content related to Jayde Adams before Serious Black Jumper, but at the same time, I am kind of glad. Being exposed to the award-winning comedian for the first time in Serious Black Jumper was a surprise. Jayde Adam’s stand-up is belly laughs after belly laughs. The Bristolian comedian is a storyteller; she understands how to navigate the stage, time sentences at certain points in her stories and then land the punch lines with either venom, irony or sarcasm.

I genuinely did not believe Jayde Adams: Serious Black Jumper was going to have such importance about the black jumper; Jayde Adams opens a lecture-based experience, describing to the audience the four waves of feminism with snappy slideshows and witty lines for each one. When she reached the third wave I was sold and strapped into my seat (laid on my bed):

“We haven’t seen working-class feminism since The Spice Girls.”

And the momentum goes on from there. Jayde Adams talks about the audacity and irony of attending a Beyonce concert after the album Lemonade. How Jay-Z waltzed around the stage in dull attire, humping his wife who has just had twins and then big flashing lights behind her spell “feminism”. Jayde Adams fools the audience, making us believe she’s about to deliver us a beehive tribute.

Jayde Adams: Serious Black Jumper makes its mark on the evolving generation of pop culture and social media and the ramifications it can have on young people. But the comedian’s theory on the black jumper feels oddly true; starting with Steve Jobs, Jayde marks how famous people in the past have changed the perception simply by wearing a black jumper.

The comedian spends a long time mocking our overly engaged society but there is a point to this stand-up, a message that forces you to think by the time the credit rolls. Jayde Adams waltzes on stage, calling herself fat on a number of occasions and laughing at herself but the entire theme is confidence. Streaming audiences will be moved by her closing remarks about confidence. You will be surprised by her admissions and thought processes and what this stand-up symbolizes for Jayde. Jayde Adams: Serious Black Jumper is a little gem and I will be surely keeping an eye out on the comedian’s future stand-ups and will for sure look into her back catalog.

Amazon Prime Video, TV Reviews