50 States of Fright episode 9 recap – “Grey Cloud Island (Minnesota) Part 1”

By Louie Fecou - April 28, 2020 (Last updated: February 7, 2024)
50 States of Fright episode 9 recap - "Grey Cloud Island (Minnesota) Part 1"
By Louie Fecou - April 28, 2020 (Last updated: February 7, 2024)


“Grey Cloud Island (Minnesota) Part 1” delivers a familiar piece of storytelling that’ll satisfy fans who’re watching this series for exactly that.

This recap of 50 States of Fright Episode 9, “Grey Cloud Island (Minnesota) Part 1”, contains spoilers. You can check out our thoughts on the previous episode by clicking these words.

In a holding cell, we find a delivery driver shaken up and relaying this particular tale in “Grey Cloud Island (Minnesota) Part 1”.

Hooded men bring a van load of pledge brothers to the most haunted stretch of land in Minnesota. Their mission is to spend the night and help each other survive in the woods.

The pledge-lings are given a choice, take the long road around, or the more dangerous shorter route, to get to safety. Relieved of their phones, they decide to head off, the short way round.

The initiation continues in 50 States of Fright Episode 9 as the group tells of the various urban legends connected to the area, including Indian Burial grounds and gates of Hell.

Of course, the breaking twig noises start and the group gets nervous. A weird totem-like carving is found, then figures with torches appear, walking towards a barn.

The group decides that the figures are fake, and they follow them to what they feel is the real initiation.

However, in the barn, they find a female, chained up, and it seems they may be in over their heads.

Once again, this is a familiar piece of storytelling you have all seen before.

Group of students wandering in woods towards what we know will be their undoing is as cliched as it gets, but by now, viewers of this series that have stuck with it will be doing so because this is exactly what they want from the show.

50 States Of Fright Episode 9 will work for fans of this kind of thing because this is what they expect.

Imagine watching Doctor Who, but there’s no Daleks, Cybermen, or cliffhangers — you would feel cheated to a certain degree, so at least this show knows what its viewers want.

The question is can it be delivered with enough style and heart that viewers will keep tuning in.

So far the answer is yes.

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