Pan y Circo Season 1 Review – Diego Luna realises the importance of talking

By Daniel Hart - August 6, 2020 (Last updated: February 11, 2024)
Amazon original series Pan y Circo season 1
By Daniel Hart - August 6, 2020 (Last updated: February 11, 2024)


Diego Luna realizes the importance of talking and his Amazon original series presents the benefits of bringing people together.

Amazon original series Pan y Circo Season 1 will be released on the platform on August 7, 2020.

There’s so much noise in the world at the moment and it’s so loud. Like, really loud. Jump onto social media and there’s so much hurt and anguish. We are a confused generation. We do not quite know how to handle ourselves in such a politically fragmented society. The need for discourse is important but it’s often coupled with a wave of hurt, incomprehensible people who want to hurt people — “Hurt people hurt people”.

I’m often frustrated at the lack of debate and discussion. Shouting gets us nowhere, which is why I find Diego Luna’s Pan y Circo so refreshing. The Mexican actor is a resoundingly positive person, however, he understands there is a range of issues in the world that require a discussion. Diego Luna realizes the importance of talking and his Amazon original series presents the benefits of bringing people together rather than creating a 10-tweet thread to try and prove a point — Pan y Circo brings back the traditional way of understanding each other.

And the set-up is intimate and warmingly logical. No matter who is your enemy or a person you disagree with, the one thing that can always unite us is food and drink. Put a group of people around a table in ambient surroundings and the stress reduces and the conversation can be in full flow. That’s what Diego Luna is achieving here on serious issues that are often heated online, rather than discussed properly to make progress.

You’d fully expect Diego Luna to take center stage in Pan y Circo but surprisingly, despite his association, he is barely the centerpiece. He makes the odd remark or importance sentence but then he allows his dinner guests to have their conversations while chewing away at the fine food. In one of the episodes, a group of women joins the Mexican actor and they debate femicide in Mexico — you forget that Diego is there. He respects the table, he respects that a subject needs to continue to flow and he didn’t need input — all he needed to do is facilitate the conversation.

Pan y Circo does beg the question; have we moved passed the point of having constructive conversations with each other or are we going to be in this whirlwind of toxicity and noise forever? With social media getting stronger and more wide-ranging year on year, communication is evolving and every discussion can be potentially a global debate rather than locally determined by a city or a country. I think it’s important that more people in higher positions find ways to pave the way for young generations to rise up but give them the tools of knowing how to communicate and play the long game to make progress. Shouting does not work, it intensifies the toxicity.

Amazon Prime Video, TV Reviews