Start-Up episode 13 recap – Han Ji-pyeong is ready to fight for Dal-mi

By Daniel Hart
Published: November 28, 2020 (Last updated: February 9, 2024)
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Netflix K-drama series Start-Up episode 13


Episode 13 almost resets the story, but the problems, love triangles and corporate challenges remain the same. With all the success, the remaining issue seems to be who Dal-mi will choose — Han Ji-pyeong or Do-san?

This recap of Netflix K-drama series Start-Up episode 13 contains significant spoilers.

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The opening

Episode 13 begins with Dal-mi applying for a job at In-jae’s company. She argues that they have the same beliefs and principles like their father from 15 years ago. In-jae gives Dal-mi the role. After the successful interview, a narration tells the audience what happened next:

  • NoonGil was developed to recognise different pills and was acquired by the world’s top private foundation.
  • In-jae’s company made record profits, and Dal-mi became CEO of a new company under the umbrella named Cheongmyeong.
  • The Morning Group founded the largest AI centre in Korea.

A lot has changed in episode 13 — it almost feels like the story is starting again.

Breathe in that sweet, sweet success

It then flits to 3 years later in San Francisco; Chul-san and Yong-san are enjoying their wealthy success on a boat. They are looking rich in their suits. Meanwhile, Do-san is working hard on his laptop on the boat. Nothing has truly changed.

Sisters are doing it for themselves

It’s nice to see both sisters working together and being successful. Their past firmly behind them. They are busy making a promo video. In-jae presents in the promo. It’s all about a self-driving system in the car — they are launching the company Cheongmyeong. Ironically, Dal-mi almost crashes her car while recording the video. Soon afterwards, another man at Sand Box keeps asking Dal-mi for a date, but Han Ji-pyeong grabs him and tells Dal-mi he will make her dinner at his place. It seems that despite years that have gone by, Han Ji-pyeong hasn’t given up on his chances, but it is strange how he hasn’t gone for the opportunity until now.

The costs of the project

In-jae asks Dal-mi about the costs of the self-drive system, and she is concerned. Dal-mi is understandably under pressure to deliver, and her sister is rightfully pointing out the expenditure.

Han Ji-pyeong has plans, but Do-san returns

Han Ji-pyeong is clearly thinking about Dal-mi romantically and keeps on thinking of ideas. They may have become closer with the absence of Do-san, but Dal-mi seeing Do-san on TV says everything; she still has feelings. But then Han Ji-pyeong sees Do-san has returned and he’s at Sand Box. It’s a long time since they’ve seen each other and this scuppers his plans. Han Ji-pyeong believes he should be brave. He shows the gift he got Dal-mi to Do-san for everything she’s done for him. It’s almost like a hint to Do-san… maybe back off?

Chasing after Do-san

After their conversation, Do-san remembers Dal-mi telling him that he isn’t the same man from the letters. At this point, he seems to be accepting defeat himself. But then Dal-mi’s spider senses feel Do-san is back and chases after him. Unfortunately, she grabs the wrong man and coffee goes all over her.

Is it back on for Chul-san and Jung Sa-ha?

Jung Sa-ha is surprised to see Chul-san and Yong-san. There are clearly feelings between Chul-san and Jung Sa-ha, but they keep it polite. Chul-san offers to drive Jung Sa-ha home, and they are acting like nervous teenagers. Dal-mi rings Jung Sa-ha about a ransomware attack; the hackers are demanding 300 million won — their systems are under attack and they don’t have insurance for these kinds of attacks. The hackers then double the money — it’s not 600 million won. Episode 13 gives a tense period of a cyber attack, keeping everyone on edge.

Do-san to the rescue

Eventually, Do-san rings Dal-mi, and her eyes fill up with tears; she’s missed his voice. He offers to help out with the ransomware attack. When he arrives, he has a go at the other developers for not backing up the files, but he gets straight to work. Chul-san and Yong-san also help out. Do-san believes the character’s strings looks familiar; they are similar to the time he saved Chul-san from his ransomware attack — he wonders if it’s the same person. He finds the decryption key and saves their system. Dal-mi nearly faints from the stress, so Do-san picks her up and places her on a beanie bag.

Dal-mi and Do-san finally get to talk properly, and it’s small talk at first. Dal-mi thanks Do-san for saving NoonGil. There’s no love lost between them it seems, but who will have the courage to speak truthfully first?

Checking on Dal-mi

The next day, Han Ji-pyeong hears about the ransomware attack. Meanwhile, with the stress and return of Do-san, Dal-mi isn’t coping well. Han Ji-pyeong checks up on her — she tells him that Do-san and others saved the day. Han Ji-pyeong seems disappointed, but he’s hiding it.

The ending

Do-san, Chul-san, and Yong-san agree to return to Korea now their contracts with 2STO are over. It didn’t take long for all characters to be back to where they should be. As the episode ends, Han Ji-pyeong pushes Do-san in an elevator and asks for a conversation. The love triangle has reached a boiling point.

Start-Up episode 13 almost resets the story, but the problems, love triangles, and corporate challenges remain the same. With all the success, the remaining issue seems to be who Dal-mi will choose — Han Ji-pyeong or Do-san?

Developer notes
  • After hearing that Dal-mi likes big hands, Han Ji-pyeong obsesses over his.

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