The Irregulars season 1, episode 7 recap – The Ecstasy of Death

By Daniel Hart
Published: March 26, 2021
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Netflix series The Irregulars season 1, episode 7 - Chapter Seven - The Ecstasy of Death


“Chapter Seven: The Ecstasy of Death” is a strong penultimate chapter, throwing the characters against a dangerous unknown as they venture their final steps on a treacherous journey. Sherlock Holmes is beginning to come to life as we move closer to the end, but he does not overshadow the kids.

This recap of Netflix’s The Irregulars season 1, episode 7, “Chapter Seven: The Ecstasy of Death”, contains spoilers.

The final two episodes of this series feel like a 2-part finale — the last six chapters felt like teasers of what’s to come, as it became a mystery per instalment. But as we reach episode 7, we are coming to the end game. It reminds me of the format of CAOS, where chapters present mysteries, but there’s an overarching evil layering on top of the characters.

The Irregulars season 1, episode 7 opens with Bea debating over her argument with Leopold and then John Watson’s revelations. Meanwhile, London is tearing itself apart as the darkness spreads. Bea visits John Watson and wants the whole truth as to why he opened the Rip. John talks about how he struggled to contain Sherlock Holmes and wanted to show him that he could be a great man. He wanted to speak to the spirit world. John Watson describes how Alice soothed something deep within Sherlock, a place he couldn’t reach. John Watson wanted Sherlock to “see him” and confesses to loving him. This is a tale of jealousy; that’s why he opened the Rip and didn’t save Alice but saved Sherlock. Bea tells John Watson that he’s not capable of love and he’s all alone.

Jessie is in deep REM trouble

But before their conversation can spiral, Sherlock walks through the door carrying Jessie, and he tells them that “the devil has arrived in London”. He talks about the Linen Man. Jessie is trapped in her nightmares. Bea doesn’t believe what’s happening now has anything to do with John Watson. Sherlock believes Linen Man is the Ipsissimus — the “God of Nightmares”.

Episode 7 shows Jessie being taunted by the Linen Man in her nightmares. He wants all the Rip’s powers, and then there will be no monsters. The Linen Man shows her all the atrocities that happen to humanity. Bea believes they have to find the Rip or they are doomed, while Sherlock believes they should wait for something to happen, which sounds ludicrous.

Spike promises to fix Billy’s situation

Episode 7 shows how Spike is a wise head — he knows Leopold is important to the group and holds the key to releasing Billy from prison. Spike has not featured as strongly in this series, so it’s good he has more time in episode 7.

Spike visits Billy in prison and tells him that Leopold is from the Royal Family and his mother is the Queen. Billy believes he’s going to be executed but it doesn’t matter if the Rip comes to the city. Spike pumps Billy up and says he needs him as part of the gang — he promises to fix this.

Spike ends up at Buckingham Palace and flirting with Leopold’s sister Louise. He tells Leopold that the city is getting destroyed. Leopold tells Spike that they would have never liked him if they knew who he was. Spike wants Leopold to tell him that they aren’t friends, and Bea means nothing to him. Leopold explains he’s lost all the friends he’s ever had before welling up.

Linen Man is looking for a monster

But there’s no time to rest in episode 7 as the darkness looms, giving a sense of theatre amongst the characters.

Inspector Gregson wants John Watson and Sherlock. Linen Man has attacked men at the police station. He wanted the case files. Bea believes Linen Man is looking for a monster and is likely to head to the mental prison facility to get Arthur, the man that used the power of birds to steal children. Bea heads to the institute to talk to Arthur. She warns him that Linen Man will come to get him and try and find out where the Rip is. Bea tries a sympathetic route and tells Arthur that she knows he did terrible things but that the powers twist people. Bea passes him an injection and tells him to put the Linen Man under when he visits.

As they wait for the Linen Man, episode 7 sees some self-truths; Sherlock and John Watson small talk and catch up. John tells him that he solved the collector case and that it was Edith Dubois; he tells him he was right, it was Snowdonia Hawkweed — he reminds Sherlock that he’s incredible and always right. Sherlock wishes he was a better man, but he wants to help. Bea listens in and smiles, realising that Sherlock is prepared to be a better person.

The Linen Man arrives

Suddenly, at the mental prison facility, Linen Man arrives. He’s making people jump to their death. Bea, the inspector, Sherlock and Watson hide as the Linen Man approach Arthur. The Linen Man touches him so he can see his memories. He sees how Arthur got his powers. He touches the source to where he got his powers and consumes it. Linen Man removes himself from the memories and believes Arthur is hiding something. He attacks him, so Bea and the others slowly make their way to the cell. Arthur walks towards the Inspector and accuses him of having his baby, and attacks them. Bea enters the cell and believes Linen Man is dead, but then he grabs her and leaves her lost in her own dreams and walks away.

Sherlock Holmes captures Linen Man

The Irregulars season 1, episode 7 shows her Sherlock may not have been ready for a mission like this, despite his earnest attempt to be better. The series has constantly shown characters attempt to consider their limits and fight against the unknown.

John Watson chases after the Linen Man while Bea is still in a daze. Sherlock ends up trapping Linen Man in a room that can’t be opened with a master key. His brilliance is starting to shine through, but it is not enough. He worked out which way Linen Man would go based on what side of the streets Americans drive. Linen Man tells Sherlock a story that entices him. Sherlock unlocks the door and joins him — it looks like he is under his spell. John Watson and Bea are in shock as Sherlock joins Linen Man.

Whatever Linen Man did to Bea is still impacting her. She can see a memory where Alice asks a nun named Anna to look after her children. Her mother gives her a bracelet and tells her that whenever she wears it, she will be around. Bea sobs as she remembers her mother, leaving her as a child.

The ending

Bea readjusts and learns that Billy has been freed from prison. Billy tells her that Leopold pulled a few strings for him. Bea and the group check-up on Jessie, who is still in her nightmare. They all gather around her, hoping she wakes up. In her nightmare, Jessie is half-buried by soil, and she can hear her sister and friends talk to her. Linen Man tells Jessie that she will die if she leaves the nightmare, but Jessie refuses to be afraid as her friends continue talking to her.

Jessie glows, and the monsters in her nightmare are destroyed. She then notices she’s in a tunnel full of miners. They find a plague pit. She sees a sign that says “Aldgate- Inner Circle Line” and wakes up. Her sister and friends are relieved. Jessie tells them that they need to get to Aldgate.

As the episode ends, Sherlock and Linen Man face the Rip. Linen Man says, “So this is where I become a God” — this is an impactful line to end a chapter before the finale.

The Irregulars season 1, episode 7 is a strong penultimate chapter, throwing the characters against a dangerous unknown as they venture their final steps on a treacherous journey. Sherlock Holmes is beginning to come to life as we move closer to the end, but he does not overshadow the kids.

Dr Watson’s scribes
  • Daimler arranges a suitor for Leopold. She senses that he’s in love and explains she is as well. She explains she’s also in love with a “commoner” as well.

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