Beckett ending explained – does Beckett make it to the U.S. Embassy?

By M.N. Miller - August 13, 2021
Beckett ending explained - Netflix film
By M.N. Miller - August 13, 2021

This article discusses the ending of the Netflix film Beckett, so it contains spoilers.

Ready Steady Cut Film Critic, M.N. Miller, called Beckett “…a throwback to 70s thrillers that’s easily dismissable.”

After Beckett crashes his car into a country home, killing his girlfriend and putting him in the hospital, he revisits the scene of the crime. He remembers seeing a small boy, no older than 8 years old, standing in the kitchen before he passed out. Suddenly two armed individuals, a man and a woman, attempt to shoot him, sending Beckett on the run through the Greek countryside trying to make it to the U.S. Embassy.

It turns out that child was related to a man named Karras, a Greek politician whose family comes from shipping money. He borrowed money from the mob/criminal organization. He didn’t pay them back, and they came back looking for the return on their investment. Until he paid them back, they kidnapped his adorable red-headed nephew, a little boy named Dimos. They had their eyes on making Beckett the fall guy. The man who kidnapped the politician’s nephew.

Although, it was a far-right ultranationalist Greeks group called Sunrise. They are attempting to attack the politician to build a coalition to reverse the austerity measures imposed on Greece by the European Union to bring the country out of its current predicament. Greece was given what is equivalent to over 400 billion U.S dollars after their financial crash in 2017 that saw 111,000 businesses go under (they have until 2060 to pay it back).

Beckett – the ending explained

Beckett makes it to the U.S. Embassy. At his weasely best, he is briefed by a yuppy government bureaucrat named Tynan, played by the chameleon-like Boyd Holbrook. He offers him protection, but they need to address the police officer Beckett shot. On their way, Tynan attempts to, you know, hit him with a stun gun. Beckett fends him off and escapes in the streets during a rally for Karros in Athens.

After uncovering the truth about the coverup, Tynan spills the beans that the U.S. Government was behind Sunrise the entire time. They even managed to assassinate Karros during Beckett’s escape. From there, he could have hopped on a flight back to the states. Instead, he locates the nephew in the back of the bad guy’s sedan. He even took a bullet, a solid flesh wound, and leaps three stories from a parking garage on top of a moving car to save Dimos and clear his name.

Beckett could be looked through a lens of continuous U.S. influence, which parallels Western ideology’s spread into Eastern and third world cultures. Even Greece, a western European society, has only held democratic elections since 1976. Becket’s run through the Greek countryside can be seen as Eastern ideology’s escape from Western society until nowhere is left.

What did you think of the ending of the Netflix film Beckett? Comment below.

Movie Explainers, Movies, Netflix