Jaguar season 1 review – a thrilling holocaust survivors revenge story

By Daniel Hart
Published: September 22, 2021
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Netflix series Jaguar season 1


As audiences reach the ending of the 6 chapter series, they will be questioning their moral compass — the story leaves lingering thoughts, which in effect, means that whatever the series was trying to do is duly delivered.

This review of Netflix’s Jaguar season 1 does not contain spoilers. 

We recapped the final episode — check it out.

There’s always a strange feeling when we watch a story regarding the horrors implemented by the Nazis. It feels like another universe, but it’s a stark reminder of what evil the human race is capable of and how we must do everything in our strength and spirit never to let this happen again. There’s an underlying feeling of sadness, regardless of genre, when we watch a series like this. And while Jaguar blesses the audience with action and thrills, the messages shine through strongly.

The Netflix series understands trauma rather well. It’s the main component of the story, as a group of holocaust survivors, all with varying but similar levels of the horrors they suffered from, process their grief while tracking down Nazis that need to face the full force of justice. Set in Spain, these hunted Nazis are lavishing a life of wealth and veiled power, hiding behind a new society. The story is a game of cat and mouse, as the holocaust survivors are self-labeled agents, titled “jaguars.”

The series attempts to impress the audience with a range of action sequences to reel them in, but it’s not required in the grand scheme of the entire story. Presenting the evil and the crippling trauma that follows is understandable. The agents have a thirst for brutal revenge, but there’s this knowingness that justice is required rather than the short-term satisfaction of bloody revenge.

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But, the meaning of justice lies in shallow waters in Jaguar. By presenting the evil means it encourages the audience to seek clarity of what justice means. Is justice enough? A question that faces these characters throughout the chapters. It’s a problematic notion to debate when the Nazis handed down so much relentless suffering. It offers a strange balance where the characters have to endure their temptations while seeking higher ground. Is the world aware of what these men did worth more than an instant kill?

Jaguar teases the audience with the ideology while filling in space with action and thrills. The production team enjoys these sequences, though some of the action does feel complicated for no reason, with the camera struggling to target the purpose. Of course, it does little to sway the quality of the story, which stands on its own two feet. 

As audiences reach the ending of the 6 chapter series, they will be questioning their moral compass — the story leaves lingering thoughts, which in effect, means that whatever the series was trying to do is duly delivered.

What did you think of Netflix’s Jaguar season 1? Comment below. 

Netflix, TV Reviews
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