Finch ending explained – will Jeff live up to Finch’s expectations?

By M.N. Miller - November 5, 2021 (Last updated: February 1, 2023)
ending of the Apple TV plus film Finch
By M.N. Miller - November 5, 2021 (Last updated: February 1, 2023)

This article discusses the ending of the Apple TV+ film Finch and will contain spoilers.

Ready Steady Cut film critic, M.N. Miller, said of Finch, “To say Finch is understated is an understatement.” 

An old, brilliant curmudgeon named Finch invents a robot to help him learn to live and navigate within a post-apocalyptic world. He goes by “Jeff,” whose sole purpose is to protect Finch’s beloved dog, Goodyear. With limited supplies and a storm that will last 40 days, they move on from their home to find food and shelter.

Apple TV+ film Finch ending explained

The film ends with Jeff taking Finch’s dog, Goodyear, across the Golden Gate bridge as they explore the world together for the first time. This was set up by Finch, Jeff, and Goodyear racing to their new destination before energy runs out on their solar-powered Breaking Bad Winnebago. Then, all of a sudden, a butterfly goes “splat” on their windshield. Jeff’s response with full childlike innocence says he didn’t mean it. He, though, being a robot, is missing the point. Life is not being destroyed by the searing ultraviolet light stammering down during the day.

When Finch looks out, he sees grass that reminds him of the wheat, and mustard sees that used to grow there. He opens the door, steps out, and holds out his hand — his skin doesn’t begin to blister and burn. Life has survived and started to grow back. They celebrate, sit out in the sun, and talk. Finch confesses that he never had a father growing up. The postcard Jeff found in the Winnebago was not from his Uncle, which was a lie. It was from his Dad who abandoned him and tried to reconnect on his 20th birthday.

We then start to understand why Finch is so toxic and has no social graces. It all stems from a lack of psychosocial development from the trauma of being abandoned as a child. Brilliant, yes. But he decided to step away from human connections long before the Earth turned sour. He never had a family, only his work. What we have here is a father and son story at its core.

Did he build Jeff to have a son? No, but that is how the relationship has progressed. He made Jeff so Goodyear wouldn’t be abandoned like he was, but he developed a father-like bond with Jeff in the process. He created a family out of artificial means that still had love and companionship — you have to work at it.

What did you think of the ending of Finch? Let us know in the comments below!

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