Super Crooks season 1, episode 13 recap – the ending/finale explained

By Daniel Hart - November 25, 2021
Netflix anime series Super Crooks season 1, episode 13 -- the ending finale explained
By Daniel Hart - November 25, 2021


With one last mission to sew up, Super Crooks signs off with a mellow finale.

This recap of Netflix anime series Super Crooks season 1, episode 13 — the ending/finale explained — contains spoilers. 

Read the review of Super Crooks season 1.

With one last mission to sew up, Super Crooks signs off with a mellow finale.

Super Crooks season 1, episode 13 recap – the finale and ending explained

Episode 13 opens with Christopher Matts with Kasey — she is still tied up. Meanwhile, Johnny and his crew continue with their heist at Matts’ mansion. They get to the bottom floor of the building where the vault is and take out the guards. There’s plenty of traps in the way, which they comically get through. Meanwhile, Kasey taunts Christopher and tells him that her friends are about to pull off a heist at his detriment as they speak. Matts checks out the CCTV and sees Johnny and his crew, so he sends Praetorian to stop them.

To try and stop them even more, Matts reboots the superpower suppression device. Praetorian gets to work and starts beating up Johnny’s crew. Fortunately, the team has Gladiator, who is a superhero, not a villain, so the suppression device does not work on him. Praetorian and Gladiator fight. Gladiator wins easily, giving Praetorian brain damage.

Matts continues to torture Kasey by invading her mind — he uses her love for Johnny to hurt her, but it leads to her head exploding. However, it turns out that Kasey performed an illusion on Matts, and she escapes with Johnny and the crew and sails away out to sea. Matts realizes that Kasey had Matts and his team hallucinating since the airport — they were never at the mansion. The villains split their shares and go separate ways.

The finale then moves to a year later, detailing where each supervillain is with their lives. The episode ends, showing Johnny and Kasey enjoying a hot air balloon — Johnny proposes marriage to her to round off season 1.

What did you think of the Netflix anime series Super Crook season 1, episode 13? (finale) and the ending? Comment below. 

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