PEN15 season 2, episode 15 recap – the ending of part 2 explained

By Daniel Hart
Published: December 3, 2021 (Last updated: January 26, 2024)
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Hulu PEN15 season 2, episode 15 - Home - the ending of part 2 explained


The final ever episode brings a beautiful conclusion for the fans.

This recap of Hulu’s PEN15 season 2, episode 15, “Home,” — the ending of part 2 explained — contains spoilers. 

This is the end of PEN15, and while some fans will be disappointed, this is a good conclusion to the Hulu series.

PEN15 season 2, episode 15 recap – the ending of part 2 explained

After running away from home, episode 15 begins with Anna and Maya chilling with their boyfriends in a garage. The best friends are so excitable, but they question whether they want to go home. Anna wants Maya to get her first kiss. They chill with their boyfriends and relax. Maya’s boyfriend asks Maya if she wants to go to his room. She looks unsure, but then she sees Anna kissing away with her partner Steve, so she heads to her boyfriend’s room.

Maya tries convincing him that she’s had her first kiss before, but her boyfriend is expecting a blowjob and is not bothered about kissing. When he takes his pants down, Maya asks what’s wrong with his balls. She starts giving a blowjob, but there’s a lot of awkwardness between them until her boyfriend finishes. Maya rushes to the bathroom to wash her mouth.

Meanwhile, Anna and her boyfriend Steve are getting intense too quickly, and Anna slows the pace. Anna then sees Maya run to the bathroom, so she checks if she’s okay. Maya talks to Anna about the blowjob and how her boyfriend came. She doesn’t want to do a blowjob ever again and asks if they can go home. The girls ride on a bike home.

Anna heads inside and snuggles with her mother and speaks to her father on the phone. There’s an assumed peace in the family, and Anna seems happy to be back. As for Maya, she heads home into her bedroom and cries; she is traumatized by what happened with her boyfriend. The next door, while on the phone with him, her boyfriend rings and breaks up with her. At school the next day, Maya is feeling down and Sam tries cheering her up — he thinks they should egg her ex’s house.

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The ending

Anna and her boyfriend Steve argue about it; she’s annoyed that Steve is not on their side. She breaks up with him showing the true friendship she has with Maya. And then, Maya, Anne, and their friends egg the ex’s house. They then hide. Sam tells Maya that she’s pretty. And then it happens, Maya has her first kiss, and this time it is from a genuine place.

Later on, Anna asks Maya if they will always be friends. She’s worried about the future. It’s a depressing conversation at first, but then they both realize that they love each other. A friends-for-life moment and they promise to protect each other from everything. It’s a beautiful way to end the series for good.

Read the review of season 2.

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