Making Fun season 1 review – if the kids can dream it, the makers can make it

By Romey Norton - March 4, 2022
Netflix reality series Making Fun season 1
By Romey Norton - March 4, 2022


Experienced makers come together to create the insane things kids come up with. 

Netflix reality series Making Fun season 1 came out on the streaming service on March 4, 2022. 

This series, led by Jimmy DiResta, puts expert makers to the test as they are brought together to bring the ideas from children to life. DiResta promises that “some builds will be good, some builds will be bad, but all of them will be absolutely pointless,” and boy, he delivered. There are 6 episodes all at just under 40 minutes each and each one has something different, incredible, and unique to offer. None of these creations serve any purpose other than to entertain and show children that what they dream can become a reality, and that is an amazing achievement. 

I was hooked from the first episode. Children have more insane and wild imaginations than the average sober adult, so watching to see if these can be made and brought to life is very interesting and exciting. Pitched in the first episode alone is the “Dino-Taco-toilet”, a giant dinosaur that vomits tacos. I want one for my next party, to be honest. They bring in sky dancers, those toys that would fly around your house and almost kill you. I was terrified for a giant one of those, luckily that wasn’t created. 

Other ideas that are brought to the table are a catapult that flings cat poop (also need), a fart-humidifier that sucks up your farts and keeps them for later for you to use on your enemies, a unicorn bike that can have magical, unicorn farts, and many more things you can only dream of. All amazing ideas that you have to see to believe. 

This format is fun, new (I haven’t seen this done before), and enjoyable to watch. Both adults and children can enjoy this show, which I hope will inspire children to get away from the social media, online, video-game world and get them into the physical, creative world. 

The makers being quite grumpy, mean, and serious is such a great contrast compared to the hyper-happy, energetic children. The fact DiResta says he doesn’t really like children, and now he’s working for them, made me laugh and gave a chilled vibe to the series. The children are able to come through on a screen whilst they’re building to ask questions and ask for updates, DiResta is never impressed when this happens. Very entertaining. Not arse-kissing-kids is great to watch. Without being mean or crude, the kids have a great time. All the makers have great chemistry and you can tell they’re having fun! 

The filming is clever; whilst they are making parts of the objects we are getting a tutorial that children could understand. Explanations of what they are doing, why, what tools, and how those tools work. They make the work look easy, fun, and achievable. With fun, funky music, lots of colors, and action I’ll be surprised if this series doesn’t get a second and third season.

I’d recommend you watch it if you’ve got children, if you’re into reality craft programs and if you’re looking for something new to watch. 

What did you think of the Netflix reality series Making Fun season 1? Comment below.

You can watch this series with a subscription to Netflix.

Netflix, Platform, TV Reviews