Man vs. Bee season 1, episode 9 recap – the ending explained

By Adam Lock
Published: June 24, 2022
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This recap of Netflix’s Man vs. Bee season 1, episode 9 — the ending explained — contains spoilers.

Read the review of the series. 

Poor Trevor has had a rough couple of days in his new employment, what with an ungodly bee on the loose, an ill pet dog to look after, and three criminals breaking into the property he is supposed to be overseeing. In “Chapter 9,” circumstances escalate even further for the man as the homeowners return just in time to witness Trevor orchestrating his most deadly scheme yet, one he hopes will kill the rampaging insect once and for all.

Man vs. Bee season 1, episode 9 recap – the ending explained

At the end of “Chapter 8”, Trevor set up his trap. He cleaned up an old, wooden bee hive, presented it with opened jars of honey, and loaded the housing with a hidden bomb. The bee is quickly drawn to this sumptuous feast and heads over to the trap. Once the bee is inside, Trevor connects the wires, and the beehive explodes, rocketing high into the sky. The house sitter watches through his binoculars, making sure the bee is dead, just as the homeowners pull onto their drive.

The explosion causes the windows to smash and a cupboard to fall onto the homeowner Christian’s prized Jaguar. The vehicle is kicked into motion by this falling object and rolls out of the garage, hitting another priceless piece of art and setting it on fire in the process. The beehive now in freefall lands on Cupcake, squishing the cherished dog. And, of course, the bee escapes unscathed.

Trevor completely snaps from this point onwards, heading to the shed to retrieve a flamethrower. He chases after the bee, manically torching everything in his path. Christian and Nina enter their house just in time to witness this deranged spectacle.

Inevitably, Trevor ends up in court and then in prison. He is found guilty of wilful neglect, dangerous driving, criminal damage, and arson. The caring father is sent down for three years. Cupcake survives, Trevor grows his hair in prison, and Christian is informed he’ll be getting nine million pounds in insurance payments.

The narrative moves forwards three months, and Trevor sits down for a meager meal in the prison canteen. He overhears one of the thieves, who broke into Christian’s mansion, telling the other inmates about the robbery. He was asked by Christian to rob the house in a gigantic insurance scam, adding that all that priceless artwork was, in fact, fake. Trevor informs the police about the scam and is released early, while Christian is arrested and sent down on the very same day.

In the final scene, Trevor finally takes daughter Maddy on that camping trip they had discussed all that time ago. He sits outside his caravan, ready to eat his sandwich, when that pesky bee returns, sitting on his lunch. At first, Trevor is kind and considerate, tearing off a piece of the sandwich for the bee, but soon he’s up to his old tricks. He chases the bee around the caravan, destroying all in his path once again. It’s a fitting ending to the series, as it would appear even after going to jail, he hasn’t learned his lesson.

What did you think of the Netflix comedy series Man vs. Bee season 1, episode 9, and the ending? Comment below. 

You can watch this series with a subscription to Netflix. 

Endings Explained, Netflix, Streaming Service, TV - Ending Explained, TV Recaps
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