King of Stonks season 1, episode 6 recap – the ending explained

By Daniel Hart - July 6, 2022
By Daniel Hart - July 6, 2022


Episode 6 brings a natural conclusion to the story, with one last twist to entertain the viewers.

This recap of the Netflix series King of Stonks season 1, episode 6, “Panic,” — the ending explained — contains spoilers. 

Read the season 1 review of King of Stonks.

WIll Felix and Magnus get away with all the corruption? Will Sheila succeed in gaining her riches by exposing them as frauds? All is revealed in the finale and ending for King of Stonks season.

King of Stonks season 1, episode 6 recap – the ending explained

Episode 6 opens with Magnus declaring that he will never sell to the Deutsche Bank, and Jutta Katz is furious. This isn’t the first time this has happened where they’ve rejected a sale with them.

And then, it flits to Felix — he’s appalled that Sheila is short betting against his company while sleeping with him. He’s upset, and Sheila has little to say, looking guilty. And so, Felix goes on a mission to ensure the stocks do not crash. He confronts the journalist that is making a story on the company. He sends someone to threaten the journalist and his family — he tells him to focus on another story. It seems to work, and they even get his laptop.

Despite the setback, Sheila continues her plans to short sell, expecting the stocks to crash. She meets with an investor to get the cash she needs to help with her mission.

And then, Felix receives an email from the journalist Tom Wieland asking questions about the economic conspiracy surrounding the company and its links to the mafia and other criminal organizations. It seems the threat against him did not work.

Felix meets Sheila and admits defeat. She offers to show him the evidence before submitting it to the District Attorney’s office. She tells him to be a key witness to reduce jail time, but Felix shows her a fake passport to leave the country. He asks her to join him, but she rejects the offer, stating their relationship always had a “shitty premise.”

But later in the night, Felix is provided a Plan B idea by a friend. The next day, Sheila goes to the District Attorney’s office. However, Sheila learns that everyone had started short-selling the company when the market opened. She has to urgently short sell her stocks herself. But then she realizes that something is wrong. She knows something is wrong because everyone now trusts her to short sell overnight, and she is unsure why. Sheila rings Tom to clarify what’s going on. Tom denies knowing anything about the article, so she ends the conversation.

Sheila still hesitates at this stage, but her friend encourages her to go for it. So she does; she short sells her stocks in the company, essentially making her a multi-millionaire overnight. Meanwhile, Tom rings his publisher and tells him to stop the article as it reeks of market manipulation. But it goes out anyway. Magnus sees the news, with the company crashing. He rings Felix but is unable to get through, but then he sees a letter on his desk from him from Felix.

Felix video calls Sheila and tells her he has no regrets. He sings for her, bringing nostalgic feelings from their manipulative relationship. And then Magnus discusses in the media the coincidence of “short selling” a few hours before the revealing article. He accuses Hedge Fund Manager Sheila and journalist Tom of masterminding this plan to manipulate the market. He reveals they know each other from university. Magnus asks the government to deal with both individuals. Sheila sees this unfolding and asks his friend to stop the short selling. She has been screwed over effectively.

And then, short selling is banned on the company due to “market manipulation.” Sheila and Tom are arrested. The media respond by apologizing for the false reporting of the allegations against the company. It’s another celebration for Magnus with his colleagues, who are euphoric in the office. Sheila has lost everything.

The ending

It feels like Felix and Magnus have escaped trouble by the end of episode 6, but then there’s one final twist.

Felix meets Magnus for a chat; Magnus offers him co-CEO, which is ironic. Felix does not want to be a CEO, knowing it will unsettle the investors. However, he wants full executive power knowing he cannot do anything without him. He wants Magnus to be the face of the company, while he has a veto on every decision. They sign a document on this agreement.

But then their phones go off. In the news, it’s revealed a plane crashed that included Jutta Katz from the Deutsche Bank — she has died. Their new business partner is dead. And her successor is Alex Ericsson, their former lawyer. They are fucked, again. When you are in deep, trouble follows you everywhere.

Episode 6 brings a natural conclusion to the story, with one last twist to entertain the viewers.

What did you think of the Netflix series King of Stonks season 1, episode 6, and the ending? Comment below. 

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