Chad and JT Go Deep season 1 review – Dumb and Dumber of activism

By Daniel Hart
Published: August 23, 2022
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What Chad and JT are achieving here is nothing original.

This review of the Netflix series Chad and JT Go Deep season 1 does not contain spoilers.

There’s activism for everything. Especially in the present day, the abundance of social media makes it easy to get the message out seamlessly. With the mass awareness of a whole plethora of subjects, it’s no surprise that there’s a comedy niche that surfaces to tackle the magnification of the trend. 

That niche is Chad and JT Go Deep, and you may be familiar with the duo’s podcast and other social media ventures. Using comedy pranks, Chad Kroeger and JT Parr use their titles as activists and “stokelords” to hail social confusion to the public. In true reality TV, part-scripted fashion, Chad and JT bring satire to activism.

They are the Dumb and Dumber of activism. From protesting for the rights of men “not to be ashamed of their small penises” to preventing cliff erosion by placing a dynamic size beer bong down it to make it a protected landmark, Chad and JT are not short of creativity, even making their presence known politically by attending live council public meetings.

YouTube video

What Chad and JT are achieving here is nothing original. Doing a lighter version of Borat and bringing their personas to the fold in small chunks of episodes has no groundbreaking feel at all. If anything, this series is quick entertainment, condensed into six episodes, and is barely an investment. What they are doing is funny but not memorable by any stretch. While the duo present themselves as naive, dumb, and having fun, it doesn’t reflect as strongly on the screen.

But, this is how they are on Netflix. I’m sure their shenanigans are better placed on social media. Unfortunately, I will not be spending time investigating. This series did not do enough for me.

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You can watch this series with a subscription to Netflix.

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