Dead to Me season 3, episode 3 recap – what did they find inside Steve’s skull?

By M.N. Miller - November 17, 2022 (Last updated: February 3, 2024)
By M.N. Miller - November 17, 2022 (Last updated: February 3, 2024)


Dead to Me gets a much-needed shot of Garret Dillahunt, who returns as Agent Moranis, in an episode that builds tension but desperately needs twisted surprises.

We recap the Netflix series Dead to Me season 3, episode 3, “Look at What We Have Here,” which contains spoilers.

One of the issues is season 3 of Dead to Me has no surprises left in the chamber. Here, we know Ben (James Marsden) hit Jen (Christina Applegate) and Judy (Linda Cardellini). We know Jen killed Steve and how. We also have known for a while Judy killed Ted. One of the final secrets was the location of Steve’s body. In this episode, the writers establish tension by all these characters withholding secrets and waiting for the shoe to drop. One, Jen is waiting for the FBI to investigate Steve’s death. Two, Judy is waiting to find out if she has cancer.

Dead to Me season 3, episode 3 recap – what did they find inside Steve’s skull?

Jen and Judy head to the oncologist, where maudlin music is playing in the waiting area. Jen leaves Judy there, who has been waiting forever, which is such a sad thought for possible cancer patients counting the seconds ticking away. That’s when Jen meets Perez in the parking lot, and they are worried about the FBI’s investigation. She tells Jen they found evidence inside Steve’s head. What did they find inside Steve’s skull? A small piece of wood. Jen tells her it’s from her son Henry’s toy bird. Perez knows what she is talking about but won’t let her say Jen used the toy as the murder weapon.

They find out a man named Glenn Moranis (Garret Dillahunt), who Judy knows from the FBI after turning Steve in, is assigned to the case over Steve’s death. Judy visits him, and these two still have the most awkward chemistry together. That’s endearing. Judy begins to plant seeds in his head about the Greek mafia being behind Steve’s death and the missing money. And, of course, Judy almost lets it slip about her having the money she took from Steve’s bank account that the Greeks are looking for.

Meanwhile, Ben is hung over and continues having flashbacks and hallucinating interactions with his twin brother. He covers the car he hit Jen and Judy with when Nate walks up the driveway. Nate has the bird he left at the bar, and Nate reaches out to Ben because he recognizes the signs of alcoholism. He has been sober for a year, and Ben mentions he has gotten his chip three times. Of course, Nate looks over the picture of the evidence pulled from Steve’s cranium, and a metaphorical light bulb practically floats over his head.

Dead to Me season 3, episode 3 ending

Sadly, Judy is called by the oncologist’s office and is told she has cancer. However, when Jen comes home, Judy lies to her and says the tests returned negative. Dead to Me season 3, episode 3 ends with Ben fixing the wooden bird by replacing its tail and giving it to Jen. They burn the murder weapon and toss the ashes in a garbage bag. When Jen goes to throw the bag in the trash, she texts Perez, “it’s gone,” but notices a man sitting in a car down the street.

It’s Agent Glenn, and he is on the case.

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