Chelsea Handler: Revolution review – a fun special to end the year

By Ricky Valero - December 27, 2022 (Last updated: September 27, 2024)
By Ricky Valero - December 27, 2022 (Last updated: September 27, 2024)


Chelsea Handler is one of the best storyteller comedians in the game. While not perfect, it’s still a can’t-miss.

We review the Netflix comedy stand up special Chelsea Handler: Revolution, which was released on December 27th, 2022.

We have the return of Chelsea Handler on the stage with her second special for Netflix, Chelsea Handler: Revolution. This is her first special since 2020 when she did one for HBO Max, Chelsea Handler: Evolution. So is the special worth checking out? Let’s dive in.

Chelsea Handler: Revolution review

Netflix describes the special as Handler lets loose on her life choices, rescue dogs, dating frustrations, and why society owes women an apology. If you know Handler, she isn’t afraid to speak her mind, which means she is always ready to put something or someone on blast. I am excited to see who she serves up in Revolution.

The special was filmed at the Ryan Auditorium in Nashville, TN (hey, where I live). I find funny all the places she chose to film this special, and she chose Nashville. It’s a simple opening with the host announcing Chelsea to the stage with the crowd roaring in cheers. Handler grabs the mic with her spunky, cheery attitude and opens with, “we survived a global pandemic, and we are going to pretend it’s not happening anymore.” Thankfully, Handler spins this as a funny joke about how amazing her decision of being “childless and alone” has never looked better.

You have the eggs of a 25-year-old.

I said earlier that Handler likes to speak her mind and isn’t shy. From tackling the fact as a celebrity, you HAVE to rescue dogs to abortions to destroying the idea of having to be a parent. But, the most impressive thing about the special was Handler’s ability to intertwine ALL of these things. Some comedians have a joke move on the next and never make them come full circle, which is fine. However, Handler is one of the comedians that will tell a joke and slowly put it piece by piece together so that everyone touches the other.

Now, while I did like the special, it’s far from perfect. Several jokes fell flat or went on far too long, including the entire bit about her sister and kids was funny at first, but she let the joke carry on too long, making it not as funny anymore. It doesn’t take away from the entire special, but it does knock it down a tier.

Is Chelsea Handler: Revolution worth watching?

Yes, Chelsea Handler: Revolution is a must-watch special. Handler doesn’t care about your feelings, and it pays off. She tells the jokes she wants to without worrying about what people have to say about them. Furthermore, I’ve complained quite a bit about the pandemic jokes, and I hope to stop hearing them soon, but Handler delivered some great original jokes on the entire thing.

That said, Handler and her views won’t be for everyone, so if you don’t love Handler’s presence on social media or how she speaks up, you might want to skip this special.

What did you think of the Netflix comedy stand up special Chelsea Handler: Revolution? Comment below.

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