Where was A Beautiful Life on Netflix filmed? Locations Explained

By Amanda Guarragi
Published: June 7, 2023 (Last updated: 6 days ago)
Where was A Beautiful Life on Netflix filmed – a breakdown of filming locations

Where was A Beautiful Life on Netflix filmed? We discuss the popular 2023 Netflix film and its filming locations.

A Beautiful Life on Netflix has a generic heartfelt story about a man trying to make ends meet but with a hidden talent. He is a fisherman and is by the sea for the first half of the film, but there are some beautiful spaces that they get to explore throughout.

Not only are there beautiful scenic landscapes, but the locations for the homes that they found to shoot in were also lovely.

Elliott has this powerful singing voice that could give anyone goosebumps, and he has it hidden away because his best friend wants the spotlight. His friend doesn’t have the same caliber voice as Elliott, so things go sour when music producers recruit him instead. Elliott became an overnight sensation, and with this newfound fame, he changed the way he was.

He even finds romance when on this journey, which is unexpected for him. When he meets with the record producer’s daughter, they have this instant connection. He helps her open up to become softer, and she allows Elliott to find his voice. It’s a natural give and take with a natural progression of their relationship as well.

The locations used in A Beautiful Life on Netflix highlighted the country of Denmark and what it has to offer. And that’s why many people visit the cities there. It’s important for people to see what Denmark has to offer, and that’s why shooting films there and exploring the culture is great.

Where was A Beautiful Life on Netflix filmed – a breakdown of filming locations

Frederikshavn, Denmark 

Frederikshavn is one of the more fun cities in Denmark and is jam-packed with things to do. More importantly, there are beaches around the area near water. Most of the fishing activities for Elliott were filmed in this area.

There are islands with lighthouses, beautiful museums, and quaint towns that make the area feel like home.

Ebeltoft, Denmark 

Ebeltoft, Denmark, is a sweet little cobblestone town with long, winding roads and beautiful homes. This was the location for Elliott’s home and the local bar where he would play with his best friend.

Copenhagen, Denmark 

Copenhagen is the Capital of Denmark and is the principal city where everyone travels to. There are plenty of things to do there. This is where the majority of the high-end music meetings would happen with the producers and many nights out in the movie.

The beauty of Copenhagen is the nightlife, with the city lighting up around important monuments and near the water.

Aarhus, Denmark 

Aarhus is an architectural dream as the more unique buildings are around that area. This place is always crowded and was a great setting for day scenes in the movie because of the crowds. The frame was really busy and worked to show how incredible of a place Denmark truly is.

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