Where Is Mary Lund Now? Her Story Explained

By Louie Fecou - June 16, 2023 (Last updated: September 29, 2024)
By Louie Fecou - June 16, 2023 (Last updated: September 29, 2024)

Charles Cullen was a critical care medical professional who was eventually found guilty of murdering twenty-nine patients under his care. However, speculation states that over his time working as a health care professional, sixteen years, he may have been responsible for the death of possibly hundreds more. Netflix documentary Capturing the Killer Nurse explores the incredible events that surrounded the case, and at the center of it was Mary Lund.

Mary Lund was in the position of Director of Risk Management at the hospital where the serial killer was working. Regarded as a powerful and ambitious woman, Mary would be called upon extensively over the course of the investigation, being privy to every facet and detail that was uncovered.

Lund would be at the interviews conducted with staff at the hospital where Cullen had been operating, and Lund would also sit in on those interviews.

Although Lund would initially be the whistleblower that would report some mysterious deaths at the hospital, reporting to the New Jersey Poison Control department and the Department of Health, she would later controversially be accused of trying to cover the scandal up too.

A book written on the subject by Charles Graeber in 2013 would dive deep into the case and provide some startling insights into the case.

Mary was suspicious about the activities of Charles, and seemed to pick up on worrying red flags in his work. Discrepancies would arise in relation to the automated medication system used to dispense the correct meds to patients . The machines record each transaction so manually managing the doses is not needed. Charles was questioned about his use of the system by Mary but would later bizarrely fail to disclose her discoveries to the authorities.

Lund was morally torn apart by her position within the hospital, and the horror that there may be a serial killer at work there, and this would affect her emotionally.

After the truth about Cullen was exposed, Lund would find herself promoted to Vice President of Quality and Risk Services, and understandably, she maintains a low profile after the shocking affair.

After the truth about Cullen was exposed, Lund would find herself promoted in the hospital that she worked for. She would become the Vice President of Quality and Risk Services, seemingly rewarded for her handling of the situation.

Understandably, she maintains a low profile after the shocking affair, and there is no information about her current situation. We would surmise she is still in the Somerset Medical Centre.

On June 1, 2014, Somerset Medical Centre would merge with Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ. It would be renamed to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset as a campus in Somerville, NJ, in Somerset County in New Jersey.

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