Although the killer reveal ended up being slightly uneventful, Deadloch ends on a high note with a fantastic whodunnit mystery.
This recap of the Prime Video series Deadloch Season 1 Episode 8 contains spoilers.
We have reached the season finale of Deadloch. Of course, the biggest question remains: Who is the Deadloch serial killer? While Dulcie and Redcliffe ruffle the Commissioner’s feathers, the duo refuses to back down and put an end to the serial killer.
Deadloch Season 1 Episode 8 Recap
Mass chaos is happening as there isn’t enough room in the jail, so Redcliffe and Dulice have brought the ladies to the gym at the school. They explain that Commissioner Hastings believes the women are working together to kill all the men in the city. As they question Victoria if she remembers who drove her to Aleyna’s, this is when they reveal to Margaret the car that drove her was registered to her brother.
Who arrives in a bloody state at the school?
Commissioner Hastings arrives at the school and begins to yell at Dulcie and Redcliffe for being there. He suspended Dulcie from duties and took her off the case, and as that happened, Phil McGangus arrived with his tongue chopped off and bleeding everywhere.
Dulcie and Redcliffe are able to track Skye O’Dwyer’s phone, which confirms her pings are close to the bus and might even be on it. The duo gets a call from Sven, who tells them that Hastings and his men stormed the bus, which was empty as they got on the boat. However, they found all nineteen men’s phones inside Skye O’Dwyer’s car.
They head off to a gas station to talk to a clerk about her possibly having any cameras that would’ve seen the bus passing by. After a challenging conversation with the clerk, she reveals that she saw the bus driving back towards Deadloch and that the driver had a gas mask on. The duo realizes that whoever took over the bus gassed out the people on it and took them somewhere. They find the bus, which was driven off a cliff into the water.
What did Abby find on the security surveillance tape?
After getting the footage back from the gas station, the bus has driven by the gas station twice. The first time was with everyone on the bus, and the other was without anyone, meaning the killer has stored the bodies somewhere.
Who is the Deadloch serial killer?
A sketch comes in of the killer, and it is Ray McLintock. We move to Ray, who has everyone tied up with duct tape over their mouths, including Skye O’Dwyer. James won’t stop making noise as he attempts to talk to Skye, so he cuts his tongue off.
As the ladies enter the building, Ray stabs Dulcie and makes a run for it. Detective Redcliffe chases him down, and the two come to a standoff where he tries to explain that he was doing the killings for her and all the women of Deadloch. Ray gets the best of her until Dulcie arrives to rescue her.
Deadloch Season 1 Ending Explained
How does Ray McLintock die?
After Dulcie arrives, Ray backs up into the water to escape. However, the current is so bad that it ends up walloping him, sending his body down the river until it sends him over a cliff. Dulcie and Redcliffe find his body dead with a wooden stake through his stomach.
The season ends with us fast-forwarding two months later, where the city of Deadloch is thriving after the serial killer has been captured. We see Redcliffe and Dulcie heading to knock on a door to work on solving another murder.
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