10 Movies like Letters to Juliet you must watch

By Romey Norton
Published: July 7, 2023 (Last updated: February 8, 2024)
10 Movies like Letters to Juliet you must watch

We discuss 10 Movies like Letters to Juliet you must watch. Add these well-recommended and highly-rated films to your watch list.

Letters to Juliet is the 2010 romantic drama film starring Amanda Seyfried and Christopher Egan. 

The storyline follows a young aspiring writer called Sophie who, while in Verona, Italy with her fiancé, visits a wall where the heartbroken leave notes to Shakespeare’s tragic heroine, Juliet Capulet.

Finding one such letter from 1957, Sophie writes to the original author Claire, and they set out to find her long-lost lover. 

It’s a lovely story about hope and finding love at any age of your life and under any circumstances. If you enjoy your romantic films, here is a list to watch after Letters to Juliet.

10 Movies like Letters to Juliet

Dear John (2010) 

If you’re a fan of Amanda Seyfried, this is a lovely romantic film to watch after Letters to Juliet. In this film, John, a soldier, is in love with Savannah, a student, and when he re-enlists post-9/11, they keep in touch through letters.

Similar to Letter to Juliet, there is the theme around sending letters, which seems like an old-school way to communicate, and the powerful effect of the written word. 

Remember Me (2010)

A romantic comedy centered around two lovers, Tyler and Ally, who meet under strange circumstances. With secrets and trauma, this film puts love to the test. There’s a sad, dramatic ending, so get the tissues ready.

Romeo and Juliet (2013)

“For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” – William Shakespeare. Who doesn’t know of this tragic love story of two young lovers with opposing families at war? It’s paved the way for many future romance stories, and this film is a great adaptation of the famous play. 

One Day (2011)

This is the love story of Dexter and Emma, who meet every year on the 15th of July and see where they stand in life. This lasts for over 18 years, realizing they have a lot in common, more so than the people around them. Similar to Letters to Juliet, this film has themes of love, friendship, and re-connection. 

You’ve Got Mail (1998)

While Letters to Juliet was surrounded by a physical letter, we’ll move into the modern-ish era where computers had started to take over the world, and emails became a main form of communication. Here we have two business rivals, unaware they are emailing each other (and are friends) online.

As one finds out the truth, he realizes he might have to become her friend in the real world in order to be more in the future. 

Now, Voyager (1942)

A Bette Davies classic, she plays a neurotic heiress, Charlotte Vale, who embarks on a cruise and falls in love with a married man. They enjoy a brief affair until they dock and now must forget him and find happiness.

For a love film, it’s incredibly crafted and extremely well-acted, and for this, it makes the list. 

Casablanca (1942)

One of the classic romance drama films that everyone should watch. Starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, the film is set during WWII when a nightclub owner in Casablanca called Rick agrees to help his former lover Ilsa and her husband.

Ilsa begins to realize she has feelings for Rick, and she renews her love for him.

The Vow (2012)

A romantic drama that sees the protagonist Paige have a terrible accident, leaving her in a coma. When she wakes up, she doesn’t recognize her husband Leo. The film surrounds Leo trying to win her back by courting her again, but is Paige going to fall for him again?

The Notebook (2004)

Voted one of the most romantic films of all time, The Notebook is one every hopeless romantic should watch. Mrs. Hamilton suffers from dementia, and Duke reads the story of Allie and Noah, two lovers who were separated by fate on a daily basis out of his notebook.

Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams have a beautiful chemistry, leaving audiences in tears. 

Runaway Bride (1999)

Julia Roberts and Richard Gere star alongside one another in this romantic comedy. Big city reporter Ike falls in love with a small-town handy-woman Maggie who has a habit of fleeing from the altar. He wants to make sure this doesn’t happen on their wedding day. 

Do you have any other recommendations for movies like Letters to Juliet? Let us know in the comments below.

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