Love at First Sight follows Hadley and Oliver, two people who meet by chance at an airport. The two hit it off straight away and spend an entire Transatlantic flight falling for one another. While Hadley is going to London for her father’s wedding, Oliver is set to attend his mother’s (who is still alive) Shakespeare-themed memorial.
Hadley and Oliver are separated after landing, and each goes on their respective business. As Hadley drops her phone before saving Oliver’s number, the two have no way of getting back in contact.
While on the flight, Hadley opens up about her now-strained relationship with her father. She’s still harbouring resentment over him breaking up the family and marrying a woman he met while teaching poetry at Oxford.
For Oliver’s part, he reveals that his mother was diagnosed with cancer when he was a boy. But the disease came back after more than a decade in remission.
As lovely as the wedding is, Hadley still feels awkward around her dad and his new bride.
How does Hadley meet Tessa at the memorial?
After overhearing another wedding guest, Hadley leaves after the ceremony and goes to find Oliver at his mother Tessa’s memorial. When she arrives, she’s surprised to see that Tessa is still alive, and she’s organized this Shakespearean extravaganza of a memorial as a sort of send-off for herself.
Tessa and the rest of Oliver’s family do take an instant liking to Hadley.
At the memorial, Oliver is struggling with his mom’s choice not to undergo any further treatment for her cancer.
What do Oliver and Hadley fight about?
As Oliver finds it hard to open up without hiding behind statistics, he and Hadley have their first fight and she walks away. She does, however, leave her backpack behind.
When it’s time to give his speech, Oliver drops the words he had written down and instead speaks from his heart. The truth is, he’s heartbroken at the thought of losing his mom and devastated at her choice not to continue the fight with her terminal illness.
Meanwhile, Hadley gets lost and with her phone battery dead, she aimlessly wanders about until a kind stranger lends her his phone. She calls her dad, who is about to start his wedding reception. Instead, he rushes to pick her up.
Love at First Sight (Credit – Netflix)
The two have a heart-to-heart, and Hadley seems to have finally forgiven her dad for divorcing her mom. She’s more open to a relationship with his new wife and agrees to miss her flight the following day to spend Christmas with them.
At the wedding reception, Hadley seems to be enjoying herself and even shares a dance with her father.
How does Oliver find out where the reception is?
While Oliver wants to forget about the girl on the plane, his family convinces him not to. In Hadley’s backpack, they find the wedding invitation with details of where the wedding reception is.
He asks his brother Luther for a lift to the venue, and the whole family seems to be having a blast on the way there. Especially as Luther is terrible with directions.
When Hadley and Oliver come face to face again, he confesses his three fears in life, and the two finally share their first kiss.
Love at First Sight ends with Jameela Jamil’s voiceover offering more statistics about the two’s relationship. They will be together for the next six decades, have a daughter, and Hadley dies first.
What did you think of the ending of Love at First Sight? How would you have ended it? Comment below.