A satisfying enough ending despite the overall lackluster feel of the finale.
After all this time, it seems Yoshino has finally realized her true feelings for Masamune, even going so far as to kiss him. The question now is, does Masamune feel the same way? For a moment in the middle of the season, even he thought he might be in love with Yoshino.
However, Masamune quickly turned his sights back to Aki (voiced by Ayaka Ohashi). With this being the last episode of the season, it seems Masamune will finally have to decide who he truly wants to be with.
The episode opens with Yoshino leaving for a date. In her absence, Aki attempts to be more self-sufficient by making her own meals but struggles as she keeps thinking about Yoshino and Masamune being together.
With a new school year starting, Masamune ends up in class A, the same as Aki. Meanwhile, the rest of their friends, including Yoshino, are all assigned to class E.
Masamune and Yoshino are not dating. It turns out Aki was mistaken the entire time. She only assumed Yoshino’s confession had gone successfully when, in fact, Masamune had turned her down. And yes, Aki and Masamune do end up together.
Futaba, Kojuro, and Kanetsugu talk about their futures during a school festival. Meanwhile, Yoshino and Fujinomiya talk about Masamune and Aki rejecting them both. The episode ends with Masamune and Aki finally making up for the dance they didn’t get to have after the previous year’s school play.
Masamune-kun’s Revenge R Season 2, Episode 12 (Credit – Crunchyroll)
After years of waiting for a conclusion, Masamune-kun’s Revenge ended in a way that will surely make most viewers quite happy.
While I enjoyed seeing everything wrapped up, a few things about this episode were still irritating or distracting. The first was the lack of subtitles yet again, leaving out context at essential moments.
The next issue was the episode’s all-over-the-place structure. Clearly, the back-and-forth between various timelines was meant for dramatic effect, but initially, it was a bit confusing.
Even the flashbacks were split into short clips, dragging out whether or not Yoshino and Masamune were together for much longer than necessary instead of focusing on the main couple.
Toward the second half of the season, it just really felt like the story lost the momentum it had built up so well in the beginning. I think I would’ve preferred less unnecessary love interests and more focus on the consequences of the revenge plot.
Still, it was nice to see it end with a real sense of closure, even if it felt quite predictable.
What did you think of Masamune-kun’s Revenge R Season 2, Episode 12? Comment below.