Netflix Nordic Noir A Nearly Normal Family is a dark and disturbing mystery thriller that follows the story of a girl accused of murdering her lover, and the lengths that her parents would go to in order to prove her innocence. The screenplay was written by Hans Jörnlind and Anna Platt and is based on the debut novel of the same name written by Mattias Edvardsson. If you enjoy dark explorations of the soul, wrapped in a murder mystery, then you will probably already have had a look at A Nearly Normal Family, but you might not be aware of where it was filmed and some of the locations used in the show’s production. Luckily, we’ve done the hard work for you.
Where was A Nearly Normal Family filmed?
Sweden | Image via K’Nub / Getty Images
A Nearly Normal Family is set in and around Sweden, and the production company would utilize the darkly beautiful locations all around them for the filming work needed for the show. Filming on location adds to the authenticity of the production, and the crew made the most of the locations available, giving this series that particular Nordic Noir vibe.
Lund, Sweden
Situated in the Southern Swedish province of Scania, Lund would play host to many of the location shoots that the series used. Social media posts around the production would share some insights, including a post from makeup artist Therese Sandersson who you can follow on Instagram.
View this post on Instagram
An article on Tudum with M.T. Edvardsson, the author of the book and an executive producer on the show, would also confirm Lund as a filming location for A Nearly Normal Family. The writer would say, “It has been important to me that it is filmed in Lund, where the book takes place.”
Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm City Hall | Ola Ericson/
Some more filming took place in and around Stockholm for A Nearly Normal Family, and eagle-eyed location spotters will be able to see a few landmarks in the backgrounds of various scenes. Look out for Stockholm Palace, Djurgardsbron Bridge, and Stockholm City Hall, which will cement the locations for this series.
Remember, if you are local to the area and know of any more filming locations, let us know in the comments below.
Who produced A Nearly Normal Family?
The company behind the production of the series is Jarowskij. The website of the company describes itself as “one of Sweden’s largest production companies and by far the largest in the comedy genre”. The site continues to say, “In addition to delivering prime-time entertainment to our TV channels or feature films on the big screen, we also help companies tell their story in the form of storytelling and branded content. We make podcasts and run a management with talents that operate on all different kinds of platforms.”
The company is behind numerous TV shows, including Solsidan (2010), The Restaurant (2017), Riding in Darkness (2022), ur Spar (2022), Dystopia (2021), A Class Apart (2021), and We Got This (2020).