Monarch: Legacy of Monsters Season 1 Episode 6 Recap – Is Hiroshi Randa alive?

By Adam Lock
Published: December 15, 2023 (Last updated: March 20, 2024)
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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters Season 1 Episode 6 Recap
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters | Image via Apple TV+


“Terrifying Miracles” is a real return to form for Monarch: Legacy of Monsters. The show makes ample use of its best weapons, the fifties timeline, and Godzilla of course.

Apple TV+’s mega-hit Monarch: Legacy of Monsters returns to its former glory in Episode 6. “Terrifying Miracles” splits its time between 1955 and 2015. In the fifties, Lee Shaw and his team track down further Titans in Japan, whilst in the show’s present timeline, Cate and the gang search for Hiroshi in the African desert. Fans will be pleased to hear that one particular Titan makes an exciting appearance in both of these respective timelines.

There are more cinematic settings, superb SFX shots, and an intriguing romance on the cards, all to enjoy in the latest installment.

Starting in 1955, we pick up with Captain Lee Shaw and Dr Keiko Miura at the military’s annual Summer Ball. The duo plan to thank their funders and keep a low profile, but General Puckett wants to show off his latest project to the other bigwigs. Keiko worries that the military is going to kill off all of the Titans. Lee hopes that Keiko can change their minds.

After some rather awkward introductions, Lee and Keiko start to flirt with one another and dance in front of all their colleagues. They share an intimate moment and agree to take things further back at their hotel suite. But Bill interrupts their flirtations with an emergency call. He has pinpointed their next Titan.

What has Dr Suzuki created?

This will take them to Japan. Lee is forced to stay behind though, needed for an important budgetary meeting instead. Keiko and Bill decide to head towards danger without him. They meet with Dr Suzuki, who has created a device that can lure the Titans out of the shadows. They sit and wait for the device to ensnare its first victim.

Meanwhile, back in the States, Lee worries about Keiko’s safety. He asks General Puckett if he can go to Japan, ignoring his own duties. Puckett makes it clear if Lee defies orders, then he will be putting his job title at risk. Lee defies orders anyway and heads to Japan’s Monster Island.

The bait is set and the scientists nervously wait for a Titan to show up. Lee arrives just before the party has properly started, having defied orders to be with Keiko instead. Keiko is upset that Lee would be blinded by his emotions in such a way. She wants them to put the world’s safety before their own desires. This doesn’t stop them from kissing though. Lee would rather take the risk and Keiko is easily swayed as well.

Did the military kill Godzilla?

As they are kissing, the device stops beeping. They turn to see the machine being thrown into the air. It nearly hits them as it is effortlessly tossed across the waters. Then Godzilla makes his cinematic entrance, emerging from the waters. Bill and Suzuki are lucky enough to witness this terrifying creature in all its splendor. The bait has worked, and a Titan has emerged. Although this proves that Godzilla is still alive, the military didn’t kill it as first assumed. The creature then disappears, heading away from civilization once again.

The trio returns from Japan. Lee wants to tell General Puckett about the re-emergence of Godzilla, but Keiko is adamantly against this proposal. She fears that they will create bigger bombs to kill the beast. As they enter Monarch Headquarters, they discover a new commander in charge. Lee has been replaced and demoted after his unauthorized absence.

In the 2015 storyline, Duvall frees a much older Lee Shaw. She doesn’t have any faith in Monarch anymore and wants to aid Lee in his mission instead. They head to San Francisco and reunite with Cate, May, and Kentaro. Lee warns them that another G-Day is coming, although this one could be far worse than the last, and they need to act fast.

The team follows Hiroshi’s coordinates and travels to Africa. Cate is concerned by Lee’s plans to continually involve ex-Monarch employees. She struggles to trust his tactics and argues the point in front of the team. May convinces her to stay though.

Is Hiroshi Randa alive?

They head through the desert and find Hiroshi, alive and well. Cate and Kentaro wave to their father across the landscape and it looks like he is waving back, but this feel-good moment soon turns to absolute dread. Hiroshi isn’t waving, he is warning them, pleading with them to stay away, to run.

Hiroshi packs up and drives away immediately, then a chopper appears overhead. Tim and his Monarch gang have tracked them down. The ground starts to shake and Godzilla emerges from beneath, causing an avalanche on the mountainside. Godzilla rises from under the ground, it then stares straight at Cate before departing. The chopper gets too close to Godzilla as it marches away though and spirals out of control, crashing toward the ground.

How does Monarch: Legacy of Monsters Season 1 Episode 6 end?

After Godzilla’s latest attack, the team is left conflicted. Lee and Duvall want to pursue the creature, to see where it is heading, to even help it. Cate, May, and Kentaro aren’t interested in following the Titan though, and want to search for Hiroshi instead. This is where the team part ways.

As the younger trio heads back towards civilization, May confesses to her secrets. She tells Cate that she sold them out, telling Monarch of their exact location. May explains that she was on the run and hid in Tokyo with a fake alias. Monarch found out her secrets and exploited them. She was forced to help them to be given the chance to return to her own family and home.

Cate is hurt by this betrayal, declining May’s offers of help and even extra money to fund their ongoing expedition. Cate turns and storms off, away from May.

What did you think of Monarch: Legacy of Monsters Season 1 Episode 6? Comment below.


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