Reacher Season 2 Episode 1 Recap – Who dies in “ATM”?

By Ricky Valero - December 15, 2023 (Last updated: September 15, 2024)
Reacher Season 2 Episode 1 Recap
Reacher Season 2 | Image via Prime Video
By Ricky Valero - December 15, 2023 (Last updated: September 15, 2024)


The Season 2 premiere of Reacher opens with a bang, setting the stage for Jack Reacher and his team for the rest of the season.

After one of his former soldiers dies, Jack Reacher begins investigating what happened in the premiere of Reacher Season 2. Reacher and Frances Neagley — whom we met in Season 1 — reunite to dissect the murder of their friend, but as they try to investigate, they are thrown curveballs at every turn. Episode 1, the first in a three-part premiere, is all about setting the stage, but it does so with a real bang.

In Arkansas, Reacher is trying to buy some clothes at the thrift store but has to hit the ATM because he doesn’t have enough money. He stumbles across a woman who has been carjacked. He does what Reacher does by taking out the man and saving the day.

Who dies in “ATM?”

In the Catskill Mountains, New York, we see someone throw a body out of a helicopter, and it lands in the middle of the snowy forest. After Reacher saves the day, he gets money out at the ATM, where he gets a message from his team. Once he calls, he finds out that Calvin Franz has been murdered.

Who is Calvin Franz?

Calvin Franz was an Army soldier. He also was one of the soldiers Reacher recruited to be part of his U.S. Army 110th MP Special Investigations Unit.

Frances tells Reacher that Franz went missing after leaving his house over a week ago. A few weeks earlier, days before his disappearance, Franz had called Frances about a case he was working on, but she was too busy to call him back. The duo tries to reach out to the rest of the team but can’t get a hold of them.

What is the password to the USB drive?

After a day of investigating, Frances and Reacher return to the hotel to find it ransacked. In the other room, they hear some noise, and they run into one of the former members of the unit, David O’Donnell, who said that he had gotten a voicemail about the death and headed over to the team.

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When Reacher and Frances go through Franz’s mail, they find an envelope with a USB drive inside it. However, when they plug the USB drive into a computer, they have only two minutes to enter the correct password. Finally, they can get into the drive with the password “Reacher.”

After cracking the password, the crew printed off everything on the drive, just a list of names and numbers. Although the names and numbers are gibberish for now, they know they mean something because they got Franz killed.

How does Reacher Season 2 Episode 1 end?

O’Donnell mentions that they need more manpower, so they come up with the idea of heading to Queens to pick up Tony Swan. They arrive at his house, which looks like it hasn’t been lived in for months. Reacher assumes that he is dead and realizes that someone is trying to take out the entire Special Investigations Unit.

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