For All Mankind Season 4 Episode 7 Recap – What does Dev offer the Helios workers?

By Adam Lock
Published: December 22, 2023 (Last updated: 2 days ago)
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For All Mankind Season 4 Episode 7 Recap
For All Mankind Season 4 | Image via Apple TV+


“Crossing the Line” is another highly entertaining installment from For All Mankind. The strike narrative leads to much-heightened drama as the Helios workers stand their ground, whilst the developing storylines back on Earth set up further tensions to follow as Margo makes her way back to America.

The Helios workers’ strike on Mars leads to more dramatic consequences in Episode 7 of For All Mankind Season 4. “Crossing the Line” focuses mainly on the Helios strike, which completely spirals out of control at an alarming rate, leading to injuries and then death, whilst on Earth, Margo is tasked with leading negotiations back in America. Her arrival back on home turf sparks further conflict.

“Crossing the Line” opens on Mars, it’s day seven of the Helios Worker Strike and no compromises have been made yet. The workers want fair pay and for the asteroid to be mined in Mars’ orbit. Danielle and the others can only offer retraining in return for their hard work. They are fast running out of time though and need the workers to play ball before they lose their opportunity to capture the asteroid for good. The stalemate doesn’t seem to be ending any time soon though.

Eli and Irina discuss the strike back on Earth. Irina suggests that they go around the workers and let the astronauts perform the necessary duties to get the asteroid capture mission back up and running again. Eli is hesitant but eventually agrees.

This plan is relayed back to Danielle and the astronauts prepare to restart the fuel generators themselves. The Helios workers are updated on this development and worry about the implications. They fear that the strike has gone on too long, and that they aren’t making any money in the meantime. Sam and Ed urge them to stand their ground, to stick to the plan.

What is Palmer’s plan to restart the generators?

The astronauts prepare to restart the generators on their own but discover that the Helios workers have played dirty. They’ve thrown all the space suits out and blocked the airlocks. Palmer proposes taking a tunnel underneath the ground instead. This leads them straight into the generator rooms safely, bypassing the immediate setbacks.

Kelly, Alex, and Dev land on Mars the following day. Ed is finally reunited with his daughter and grandson after a lifetime apart, although Alex refuses to hug his grandfather on arrival. This awkwardness continues at dinner. Dev is then confronted by Danielle; she wants the strikes to end immediately.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, Margo is ordered to attend negotiations in America. She will be given diplomatic immunity to safely travel there, but she doesn’t want to go. Irina almost forces her into going. Aleida urges Eli to stop Margo from going through with her trip too, refusing to work with her ever again.

What causes a death in the generator room?

Back at Happy Valley, the astronauts make it to the generator room unharmed. The Helios workers have removed a vital part of the machinery though. The astronauts try to bypass this missing piece. Their tinkering leads to an unforeseen explosion. Astronauts are badly injured in the explosion and one even dies from the incident.

Eli and his team try to counteract this escalating problem. They put a team of astronauts in charge of security on Happy Valley. These security guards investigate the incident right away. The explosion has caused the workers to regret their strike and some want to give in at the last hurdle.

What does Dev offer the Helios workers?

Dev interrupts their discussions, making a deal of his own. He offers the workers an increase in pension contributions, a better health plan, and shares in Helios stock. Dev then makes a line between himself and the workers. He announces that the first 100 workers to cross the line will be given a million dollars in bonuses.

The workers quickly start to cross the line, leaving Ed and Sam on the other side. The vast majority of workers have fallen for Dev’s deal. The strike is officially over. All it took was a little negotiating. Elsewhere, Margo arrives in Houston and is greeted by protesters. She makes her way to NASA headquarters, where she is chaperoned inside by Eli Hobson.

How does For All Mankind Season 4 Episode 7 end?

The episode then concludes with Dev and Ed meeting in private. Dev enters Ed’s quarters unannounced. He asks for Ed’s help in making Mars into a thriving society. Dev admits that he doesn’t want to go back home to Earth ever again and believes Ed feels the same way too. Dev then proposes that they steal the asteroid. Ed smirks and nods his head in response. I think he’s in on the new plan.

What did you think of For All Mankind Season 4 Episode 7? Comment below.


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