Reacher Season 2 Episode 4 Recap – What is Azhair Mahmoud’s motive?

By Ricky Valero
Published: December 22, 2023 (Last updated: Yesterday)
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Reacher Season 2 Episode 4 Recap
Reacher Season 2 | Image via Prime Video


“A Night at the Symphony” is the type of episode that makes the series great. It’s a strong plot-driven episode revealing the stakes while also showing Reacher and his crew dismantle bad guys with some kick-ass action.

After the New Age raid, Reacher and the team are starting to put the pieces together of who is behind the killing of their team. In Episode 4 of Reacher Season 2, the team inches closer, while Mahmoud continues his killing spree, which is starting to pile up bodies at every turn. This is exactly the kind of episode that the Prime Video adaptation needs to sustain momentum and interest throughout its sophomore season. 

What was Tony Swan’s job at New Age?

While the team sorts through all the stuff found in their New Age raid, they question whether or not Swan is a bad guy. Reacher shuts them down when Frances finds Swan’s picture in the New Age book, and his title is Assistant Director of Security. This is the first time we see the team point out Shane Langston (our main villain), the head of security.

In the middle of O’Donnell heading to work his magic to chase down a clue for the case, we get a flashback of the crew working together. Frances brings up how Swan once hid a sleeve of heroin in a bust when they worked together in the unit. Although she brings it up, Reacher still wants to believe that Swan is innocent.

Azhari Mahmoud continues to wreak havoc everywhere he goes as we see him in Denver, Colorado, visiting with a doctor. Shortly after arriving, he kills the doctor and his assistant to take his identity.

Daniel Boyd is a person of interest for the team after O’Donnell’s research. He has a history of doing bad things but getting away because of his wealthy parents. Boyd is Senator Lavoy’s Legislative Director who pushes policies on his boss from whoever woos him. The team plans to set him up at a fundraiser later that night to pry information about New Age.

Boyd falls for the trap very quickly, ending up in handcuffs. Under the alias, Reacher and O’Donnell come to interrogate Boyd about Little Wing. He tells them Little Wing is just a code name for a new technology program with anti-missile software. They are working with New Age to develop the software further, allowing missiles to defeat known countermeasures.

What information does Boyd give about New Age?

Boyd falls for the trap very quickly, ending up in handcuffs. Under the alias, Reacher and O’Donnell come to interrogate Boyd about Little Wing. He tells them Little Wing is just a code name for a new technology program with anti-missile software. They are working with New Age to develop the software further, allowing missiles to defeat known countermeasures. Boyd shoved the proposal in a bill that nobody knew was there.

What is Azhair Mahmoud’s motive?

Before leaving, Boyd says the software is in good hands with New Age and their two facilities. This sparks Reacher to ask about the second facility, which Boyd reveals is in Denver. Of course, earlier in the episode, we saw Mahmoud in Denver, meaning he is trying to steal the software for his own use.

How does Reacher Season 2 Episode 4 end?

Reacher and the team are attempting to make plans when a team of bikers pulls up on them. They force them to give up their weapons, informing them they are about to kill them. In typical Reacher fashion, he and the team quickly disperse them.

Reacher calls the last number on one of the men’s phones and informs them the job is done. He calls out, knowing who is on the other line — Langston. Langston explains he is causing him issues and wants to make a deal offering him whatever he wants. Reacher says he wants to throw him out of a helicopter.

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