The Abyss Ending Explained – Who dies at the end?

By Lori Meek
Published: February 16, 2024 (Last updated: May 16, 2024)
The Abyss Ending Explained
The Abyss | Image via Netflix


Set in the Swedish town of Kiruna, The Abyss follows safety director Frigga as she’s grasping the inevitable fall of the city into a sinkhole caused by incessant underground mining. By the end of the film, Frigga, her family, and her out-of-town new boyfriend Dabir find themselves in the middle of a perilous mission to rescue Simon. When all is said and done, not everyone gets to walk out alive.

Despite Frigga’s warning that the city is about to collapse, Mica and Dabir head back to rescue Aila and her grandmother. As they’re getting ready to leave, Aila apologizes and tells Mica she’s decided to move to Stockholm with her. 

When Kiruna begins sinking in on itself, Mica is almost sucked into the grown inside the car. Thankfully, Dabir rescues her in time. 

Meanwhile, Frigga and Tange are also in Kiruna searching for Simon. As the two try to warn scared members of the public, the town center starts collapsing. Mica, Aila, Tange, and Dabir try running out of the danger zone. Sadly, Aila doesn’t make it.

As Mica is reeling from her loss, Frigga checks out the body of a young teen she initially believed to be Simon. Of course, that’s not Simon. We saw him get sucked into the grown at the start of the movie. 

At the hospital, Mica is still in shock while Tage and Dabir have a heart-to-heart. Well, as heartwarming as Tage stealing the ring Dabir plans on proposing to Frigga with can be. In Tage’s mind, no ring, no problem. Unsurprisingly, the two mature middle-aged men proceed to rough and tumble in the middle of the hospital. 

Where is Simon?

Meanwhile, Frigga starts speaking to a girl who seems to know more about Simon’s whereabouts. He planned to spend his birthday locked in the town’s school, playing video games.

She interrupts her ex and boyfriend’s petty squabble with news of Simon’s whereabouts. Frigga, her two men, and Mica go to the school and see how heavy it was hit by the tremors. At least one kid died, while another is outside in shock. 

As most of the building’s structure fumbled, the only way to get to the computer room and hopefully find Simon was via the air vent system. Frigga makes it past the debris and finds her long-lost son inside a hole in the middle of the IT room. He’s mostly unharmed. That’s more than we can say about his classmate, Tina, who was impaled by a metal pole. 

Dabir, Tage, and Mica also find their way through the debris. Before reaching Frigga, Tage does return Dabir’s ring. 

All efforts to rescue poor Tina fail, and the young girl succumbs to her injuries. 

The two men lower Frigga into the sinkhole, but her leg is impaled by a metal rod as she is swinging toward her son. Simon and Frigga have an emotional chat while Tage and Dabir work together to try and stabilize the floor. 

Simon makes a dangerous jump to reach Frigga, as does Mica. The siblings successfully get the rod out of their mom’s leg. After getting Simon out of the sinkhole, Mica and Frigga are forced to jump on a vending machine that’s just about hanging by its cable. 

Who dies at the end of The Abyss?

Tage holds the machine’s cable long enough for Dabir to pull Mica and Frigga to safety. Unfortunately, he also gets hit by an electric shock in the process. He dies, but not before asking Dabir to look after his family. 

After the arrival of first responders, the survivors are escorted outside. We then get an uncomfortably long musical scene of Frigga and Dabir staring into space and presumably contemplating the ordeal they’ve just been through. 

What did you think of the ending of The Abyss? Comment below.


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