Death and Other Details Season 1 Episode 7 Recap – Who did Kira Scott meet with at the diner?

By Ricky Valero
Published: February 20, 2024 (Last updated: 2 days ago)
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Death and Other Details Season 1 Episode 7 Recap
Death and Other Details | Image via Hulu




Episode 7 was a senseless episode to build to one plot point that could’ve been put together in a small moment. Instead, they wasted an entire episode on it. This was one of the most pointless episodes in TV history.

Death and Other Details takes a shift back in Episode 7 with Imogene picking apart Rufus’s investigation of the murder of her mother. The farther Imogene digs into the past, the more she starts to see what Rufus missed in his early investigation, triggering her memories of that time frame. This is easily the worst episode of Season 1 and one of the more senseless episodes of television in quite some time.

Rufus is planning to walk Imogene through the investigation of her mother’s murder. So we rewind to 2005 when Rufus and Keith arrive on the scene. Instead, it’s Imogene within Rufus’s body heading to dive deep into every moment of the investigation to find out what he missed along the way.

Imogene looks through her mother’s calendar, where she finds torn-out pages, but is able to uncover that she met someone at the Opal Diner at 5 PM the night before her murder. The cook working that night confirms Imogene’s mother was arguing out back with someone. He said he didn’t see the person but remembered giving her daughter (Imogene) a slice of pie.

Why did Rufus quit the investigation?

When Lawrence Collier threatens Rufus about barking up the wrong tree, Imogene reveals that she figured out that Rufus never gave up looking for her mother’s killer. He admitted that his only lead was Imogene, and when he would get closer, Lawrence called her in for a meeting. When Rufus pushed to get Imogene to help more, the family fired him.

This sparks Imogene’s digging deep into her past and what she locked away at the young age of eleven. She hits a wall, struggling to remember who she saw on the other side of the door that night at the diner. We see current Imogene speaking to eleven-year-old Imogene, asking for help.

It leads to Imogene sitting in the car with her mother as the vehicle is set to explode, and it does. She speaks to present-day Rufus, and he tells her that this moment is where she always clams up and asks her, “What are you afraid of?” Imogene thinks she might have seen Viktor Sams that night, who has been roaming free this entire time and is back murdering people again.

Who did Kira Scott meet with at the diner?

Kira was meeting with Governor Alexandra, who informed her that her case was not worthy of going forward. Kira mentioned seven people are dead, and she has a witness who will testify. Unfortunately, Alexandra told her she still couldn’t proceed with the case.

The reason Imogene stored the secret for so long was because she promised her mother she would never say a word. However, a montage reveals that Kira Scott was working with Celine Chun, her witness, to help take down the Collier family.

What did you think of Death and Other Details Season 1, Episode 7? Comment below.


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