We Were the Lucky Ones Episode 2 Recap – Joey King Delivers Career-Best Work

By Ricky Valero
Published: March 28, 2024 (Last updated: 3 days ago)
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We Were the Lucky Ones Episode 5 Recap
We Were the Lucky Ones | Image via Hulu




We Were the Lucky Ones follows up on the strong premiere with an impactful second episode. Joey King is delivering some of the best work of her career.

Halina and Bella start their trek to Lvov in Episode 2 of We Were the Lucky OnesA run-in with the German military leads to Halina and Bella moving on foot. In Poland, Sol and Nechuma are evicted from their house by German soldiers, leading them to scramble to find their next place to live.

Eviction Notice

Another raid of their town sees Sal and Nechuma believe they are on the verge of being evicted. A knock on the door confirms Sol’s suspicion as the soldier tells him they have thirty minutes to back up their things and leave the apartment. Sol takes the final set of bags down the steps, and Nechuma has an emotional moment when she reminisces about the house.

Sol pays off an old friend to help them find a new place for him, Nechuma, Mila, and the baby. Although the place isn’t anything like their last, they make the most of it because it gives them an address to communicate with the boys in war.

Trouble at the Border

Halina and Bella pack and gather all their supplies as they head to Lvov. Sol has set them up with someone to take them to the town by horse and carriage. They make it to their first checkpoint, where the man shows them their papers while one of the soldiers questions Bella, and they allow them through.

At the next checkpoint, Halina and Bella are in trouble with the German soldiers. The language barrier ends up causing the soldier to pull a gun on Bella. He cocks the weapon, and she backs down, saying they will return to where they were coming from. Bella doesn’t want to turn back, and the man tells them they are only a kilometer away from the border.

Halina and Bella begin their trek on foot but find themselves in trouble with soldiers and their dogs surrounding them. It forces Bella to make a move where they stand up to announce where they are to the soldiers. The soldiers bring them back to their camp, putting them in one of their tents for the night. Finally, Bella and Halina make it to Jakub’s house.

Halina sees Adam, and he realizes things between them aren’t what they were before he chose to leave. He questions why, but she says she is there for a bigger purpose and wants to do what Adam does and help those around the city with anything they need.

We Were the Lucky Ones Episode 2 ends with Genec being arrested

We fast-forward ten years and see Addy writing to his mother, saying he has left the military. He visited the US Embassy but was turned down multiple times. Addy moves to introduce himself to the Ambassador and plead with him for a visa to allow him to work within the country. The Ambassador tells him he will be granted the visa but must board a boat out of France in the morning.

The episode ends with soldiers pulling Genec Kurc out of his house and beginning to question who he is. He lied on his application for housing and has been declared an enemy, leading to his arrest.


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