The 8 Show Season 2: Will It Happen? What Could Happen?

By Louie Fecou
Published: May 18, 2024 (Last updated: May 20, 2024)
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Will The 8 Show Season 2 Happen and What Could It Be About?
The 8 Show | Image via Netflix

Nasty game shows have always had a place in film and TV, and The 8 Show is another offering that features eight poor saps, trapped in an eight-room studio, trying to win a share of a life-changing sum of money. Given the obvious similarities in the premise, it’s obvious that Netflix is hoping to capitalize on the overwhelming success of Squid Game here, but The 8 Show Season 2 is unlikely given the limited series designation.

However, that doesn’t stop us from speculating. After all, Squid Game itself started as a limited series too, so I’ve taken a punt at guessing what a second season could consist of if the stars align for the K-Drama.

Season 2 Is A Possibility If The 8 Show Picks Up Watch-Hours

There is no official confirmation of a second season of The 8 Show at the time of writing, and things will need to change for it to happen.

The unfortunate reality is that Netflix knows exactly what a show needs to do to get renewed, and watch hours are a major factor. It does look to me that they were hoping for another Squid Game, which is understandable as that show became a worldwide phenomenon, but its success is almost impossible to replicate, and it seems naive to try.

Netflix revealed back in 2021 that the show had 1.65 billion hours streamed in just four weeks of its release, which was 2.6 times more than Bridgerton. The 8 Game at this point seems unlikely to have gotten close to that.

This isn’t to say that The 8 Show can’t have its own, more conservative measures for success, but Netflix doesn’t tend to share these things. For now, it’s safer to assume that The 8 Show will remain a one-and-done limited series unless it is performs way above expectations.

The Second Season Could Introduce New Contestants

If there is a second season, and I wouldn’t mind watching one, it would probably take the high-concept premise and evolve it for the audience, and it does seem that a new batch of housemates would be an obvious way forward.

From a storytelling point of view, there is no reason why The 8 Show Season 2 could not deviate away from the rules and regulations of the first run, presenting a similar idea, but with new games and challenges. It makes sense that the producers would look at Season 1 and see what did and didn’t work, then play to what the subscribers want.

As we detailed at length in our ending explained article, the first season brings the story to a relatively sensible close, with few threads to pick up in a follow-up outside of the game itself. It’s also worth mentioning that Money Gamethe webtoon on which the show is based, got a sequel titled Pie Game, which could easily serve as a basis for a second season.

Critical and Audience Response So Far

Well, it’s a mish-mash of reviews out there, and despite what I feel is a good premise, here on Ready Steady Cut the show has only managed 2 stars out of 5, with the review stating:

The 8 Show is the Wish version of Squid Game, a much worse and more mean-spirited show that misunderstands its own point.”

Collider are also on the same page, making the Squid Game comparison and pointing out the underdevelopment of the characters and the misstepping moments of humor.

South China Morning Post starts positively in their assessment but despite their enthusiasm, they have to conclude that:

The 8 Show is very stylish and makes for compulsive viewing, thanks to its brutal stakes and constant surprises, but it all falls apart if you think about it too hard.”

Sadly it seems that if reviews are to be believed, the show has missed its mark, and if I had to guess, I would say this is a one-and-done.


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