The best horror film of the decade. It’s sexy, stylistic, and filled with suspense. A must-watch!
Strange Darling may very well be one of the best horror films of 2024 — despite having premiered at Fantastic Fest in 2023 — due to its killer storyline and cut-throat acting. Starring Willa Fitzgerald, Kyle Gallner, and Barbara Hershey, nothing is what it seems in Strange Darling as a one-night stand starts a vicious murder spree.
There are many, many horror tropes out there, that films use time and time again. What Strange Darling does is blend them so well that they feel fresh and innovative.
Film noir can be so beautiful and effective when lit and shot right. So when Strange Darling opens to a seductive cigarette shot and quickly cuts to a strangulation I was hooked. The color comes in quickly, which is needed for more modern stylized shots. The color red is used throughout; used to heighten the threat, bloody intent, and sexual desire.
The colors and lighting of Strange Darling complement the actors, making them look visually stunning with smooth skin and bright eyes. Mixing in creepy music, undertones of sexual tension, and intense threats makes for completely captivating scenes.
The opening sequence is one of the best I’ve seen in years — especially in the horror genre. With no dialogue, the acting is superb in telling the story.
Strange Darling | Image via Miramax
Kyle Gallner and Willa Fitzgerlad give extremely natural performances — both actors have incredible on-screen chemistry, and hold their single shots so well. Gallner’s character is hot and heavy, and he’ll make you believe you have him figured out. Willa Fitzgerald’s portrayal of a sexually charged, vulnerable soul with a dark side is outstanding.
The film’s psychological depth will mess with your mind, creating a gritty realism you’ll wish you didn’t understand. There are twists I wasn’t expecting or predicting, which put a lump in my throat. Strange Darling does well in exploring relationships, identity, and how the viewer perceives men and women.
With an intriguing plot, the last thirty minutes of the film have such a great energy and pace, you know you’re being led towards the end and you can’t wait to get there because it’s going to blow your mind.
As horror films go, Strange Darling is going down as a favorite. This film will capture your attention and keep you invested through powerful performances, an intriguing story, and bloody murders.