Trinkets Season 2 follows after an eventful Season 1. The second season puts a lot of pressure on the characters to develop, mature, and grow, and there’s plenty of drama along the way. There’s a lot of uncertainty but courage for Elodie and her friends to heal the past.
I’ve broken down each episode of Season 2 in an easily digestible recap, highlighting the key moments.
Trinkets Season 2 Recap
Episode 1 – “Supernova”
The first scene starts with the title screen, “Two days later.” Elodie joins Sabine at a gig; they kiss before the singer gets on to the stage—there’s a feeling of bliss and romance following on from Season 1. A montage of scenes follows regarding their trip—Elodie is still stealing from stores.
Tabitha and Moe are asking questions from the police, and they claim not to know where Elodie is. Her father is fretting, but the two women are worried that Brady Finch is talking to the police. They agree to “just act normal”. It’s still not simple for these teens at the moment, and Episode 1, “Supernova,” gets that point across well.
Back to Elodie and Sabine: Elodie is playing the ukelele, and Sabine wants to know what song she is writing. Elodie is annoying some of the band members by stealing their instruments. Sabine tells her to keep it cool with the bandmates.
At a party, Noah puts his arm around Moe — they are making it a public relationship — a big step. As for Tabitha, she’s enjoying time in bed with Luca. So, Episode 1 establishes that relationships are still ongoing.
After a gig, Elodie gets jealous as Sabine flirts with a fan when she gives away free merchandise. When Elodie tries saying something, Sabine relays a message she has received about calling her father. Backstage, Sabine tells Elodie to play the song she learned in front of loads of people — there’s tension, but it seems Elodie is starting to realize that following a narcissistic singer is going to cause her pain. In front of Elodie, Sabine starts kissing someone else, and it hits her like a brick.
She rings home and asks for her father — she demands that she will only go home if there’s no rehabilitation. Her father agrees to anything just to get her home.
Moe hears at that party that “Brady sunk his own car” and frets. She immediately texts Tabitha and she’s panicking. Moe wonders if it’s a good thing for them but the question is why is Brady telling people that? Suddenly, Noah comes outside looking for Moe as he was left in the bedroom in his underwear. You can tell he was fuming.
Elodie grabs the keys to the van off Sabine and storms off. Sabine chases after her and claims the girl she was kissing is just a friend — “You knew what I was about.” Elodie states she is going and asks Sabine if she even wants her here. She concludes she knows where she belongs. As she walks off, she notices some slight regret on Sabine’s face, but it seems unlikely that this will resurface. As Elodie gets on a coach home, she gets out the ukelele she stole. Episode 1 is a good opener for Season 2, highlighting why the story needed to return.
Episode 2 – “Last Night of Freedom”
Elodie is going home on the coach, reluctantly allowing another passenger to sit next to her as she consumes her music. Moe wakes up on the couch, and her mother, Vicky, lectures her about solving her problems and not being consumed by being suspended from school for a few days. Episode 2, “Last Night of Freedom,” is wildly different from the opening of Chapter 1—there’s a dose of reality hitting our characters.
Tabitha bumps into Brady at school. He talks to her about sinking his car and that he wasn’t in his right mind. There’s an edge to him as he speaks about it. It’s almost as if he knows the truth. Tabitha looks spooked and she’s not coping well with it, even dismissing her best friend Kayla.
Elodie returns home and sees her family through the window, but she is not ready to return. She decides to see Moe and Tabitha instead to hold off the family reunion. The three women are excited to be finally back together again. Elodie tells her friends that Sabine wants her to be someone she’s not. She tells them she wants to give her family one more night without her. The three women agree that on Elodie’s last night of freedom, they should go out and steal. Moe steals some vodka, and the other two friends are surprised. This scene brings back memories of Season 1, except it’s Moe who is wild, not the other two.
To get her thrill, Elodie wants to steal some perfume; she takes her time to look at a range of different bottles and then steals one of them. On the way out, an alarm goes off because Moe and Tabitha have stolen a dress; Tabitha blags it and pays for the dress. Elodie is annoyed because they almost got caught, but Moe is buzzing. Elodie thinks this is all happening because of their friendship. Moe promises she will never steal again to reassure Elodie. It seems Elodie fears trouble now and wants to make a turnaround from the usual antics.
The trio head to a bar. Luca is worried that Tabitha is going to get him fired as he works there and they are underage. As they return to Moe’s house, she notices that all the lights are on. The trio enters the house slowly. They find Moe’s brother Ben inside; he wants to surprise Moe. Ben has made them all good food. Later in the night, all three women sleep in the living room. Elodie asks Tabitha if she thinks Moe is okay. Tabitha is not sure, but Elodie believes she is a bad influence and needs to stop stealing.
In the middle of the night, Moe wakes up and joins Ben at the table. Ben feels better now he’s home, and he opens a letter for Moe. Ben makes a joke and says that their father had a brain tumor and had to go into emergency surgery — he does a U-turn and says the letter is the same stupid sh*t. He asks Moe to burn the letter. The following day, Elodie returns home with her two friends by her side for support. Trinkets Season 2, Episode 2 brings an air of free will before Elodie undoubtedly embarks on stricter rules. It reminds audiences why these characters are loved in the first place.
Image from ‘Trinkets’ Season 2, Episode 2 (Credit – Netflix)
Episode 3 – “Disconnected”
At home, Elodie no longer has privacy, and her parents have removed items that may trigger her addiction. Her father lays down structured home rules, which include finding an after-school activity. Episode 1 suggested that Elodie may have gotten away from strict rules. Episode 3, “Disconnected,” brings a sobering reality for the character.
At school, the three friends walk into school together. Moe seems impacted by her Korea application being withdrawn. One of the teachers tries to offer support and asks if she’d like to join the robots team, but Moe rejects that idea. Meanwhile, Brady’s doctor has given him a note that allows him to retake exams due to emotional turmoil based on recent events. Moe reveals it to the table, and everyone is shocked that Brady is using this situation to his advantage. Noah thinks it is bullsh*t because Tabitha is the victim- he speaks out of turn and Moe chases after Tabitha.
Tabitha is annoyed that Moe told Noah about what Brady did to her. She doesn’t want to be seen as a victim. In anger, Moe approaches Brady and asks him to stop playing dumb. Brady claims he’s doing what’s best for Tabitha — he then says that Tabitha spent all summer explaining to him how much Moe is a b*tch and then asks her to hit him. He walks off with a smug look on his face. Episode 3 sees Brady’s manipulating behavior — he’s molded as a teen villain for the audience, and you can sense his planning bubbling underneath the plot.
Moe tells Ben that she wonders if they are destined to be f*ck-ups. Ben is more optimistic, and he’s up for hustling. Moe is really struggling in Season 2 despite all the support around her.
Elodie attends her Anonymous Meeting, gives a speech, and wonders if she’ll ever get better. She doubts whether she will ever overcome it. Tabitha and Moe embrace her afterward. Elodie claims it felt good to get it all off her chest. Moe apologizes to Tabitha for telling Noah. Tabitha apologizes for flipping out and blames it all on Brady.
Noah is annoyed at Brady, but Moe states that it’s up to Tabitha to own her truth. Moe then talks about getting back on track and figuring out her hustle. There’s also this sense with Moe that she will have bursts of enthusiasm that will easily be extinguished by her bad luck.
Moe reluctantly goes to robot class and gets involved. Tabitha looks for Luca, who is being super weird with her. As for Elodie, she’s found an after-school activity—she joins a band class. A student named Jillian, who plays the clarinet, introduces herself.
Tabitha heads to Luca’s apartment and sees that it looks empty. She tried calling him, but the number was no longer in service. Episode 3, “Disconnected,” surfaces the real problems in the friendship group as the story for Season 2 begins to take hold.
Episode 4 – “Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun”
At school, Tabitha is still worried about Luca. Brady talks to her about the Halloween party and offers not to go himself if it makes her feel uncomfortable — Tabitha tells Moe that he may be changing, but Moe doesn’t buy it. The audience does not buy it either.
Tabitha tells his friends that Luca has gone, and his apartment is empty, like ” next-level ghosting.” She doesn’t understand where he has gone—it’s almost like he never existed.
In the band class, Elodie is crushing on Jillian, and Noah notices. She isn’t sure whether she’s into girls. Noah checks Jillian’s social media to try to find out. Elodie believes she’s an enigma. In robots class, Moe figures out how to get a robot working that wasn’t moving. So Elodie already has a new romantic storyline. Trinkets Season 2, Episode 4 moves Elodie away from the narcissistic singer very quickly, suggesting that Sabine may not return.
Jillian approaches Elodie about the Halloween parties, and they are nervous about each other. Jillian states she will be going to Rachelle’s party; Elodie will be going to Jordan’s party. When Elodie returns home, she tries to encourage her father if she can go to the Halloween party. He says no, but Elodie reminds him that she can only get better by existing in the world. Her father agrees, and Elodie tells Moe and Tabitha she wants to go to Rachelle’s party as she wants to see Jillian. In a nutshell, they are now going to the perceived less-cool party.
Ben asks Tabitha if something is up and she talks about “Boy drama”. He asks Tabitha to punch some dough to make it into better bread. And then Tabitha and Moe dress up in scrubs for the Halloween party. It looks like Tabitha has a new romantic storyline brewing as well.
Elodie has 90 minutes at Rachelle’s party before her father arrives to pick her up. She’s dressed up as Disney. Elodie doesn’t know how to approach Jillian but Moe and Tabitha give her advice. Elodie finally plucks up the courage to talk to Jillian — she asks if she wants to head to a shed which sounds extremely weird and it makes it a little awkward.
The party gets into full swing after more people arrive. Elodie has 30 minutes left. She scopes Jillian, who is dancing with another guy. Meanwhile, Moe is playing drinking games in the kitchen. Noah wants to talk to her, and he’s angry that she was meant to hang out with him at the other party, but she didn’t turn up or communicate with him — he then walks out. Brady shows up at the party, and Tabitha wants to leave. Trouble brews quickly in Episode 4.
Elodie sees she has three minutes left and decides it’s not going to happen with Jillian, so she plans to leave with Moe and Tabitha. However, as she leaves, Jillian says goodbye to her. They talk about the first gay woman in space as Jillian is wearing an astronaut costume. As Elodie is about to move forward to her to go for the kiss, her alarm goes off, and she has to go outside to see her father.
As Tabitha leaves the party, Brady approaches her outside, clearly drunk. Tabitha tells Brady that they aren’t going to get back together. Moe joins the conversation and tells Brady to take responsibility. Brady gets angry and punches a car, so Tabitha draws out a knife and tells him not to f*ck with her girls. Kayla arrives in a timely fashion that diffuses the situation, and Brady walks off. Episode 4, “Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun,” sees new romances forming as the story moves away from old flames and brings new dynamics to the plot.
Episode 5 – “Works in Progress”
In a shop, Tabitha browses, and the store owner keeps scoping her out and following her, telling her what items are expensive. The store owner asks Tabitha to empty her pockets. Tabitha’s mother heads over and accuses the store of being racist. When they leave, her mother says racial profiling has happened to her loads of times — she was hoping things would be different for Tabitha.
Moe tries to speak to Noah about their argument at the party. He wishes that they could be a real couple. He claims they can’t hang out as he needs to get ready to be scouted for football. Tabitha is scared that Brady will hurt Kayla as he hurt her. Moe says it’s her call to do something about it. Tabitha is doing the noble and brave thing here, putting her issues aside with Kayla to try to help her.
Elodie speaks to Jillian and asks if she’d like to have a date. They arrange to meet at lunch in the music room. On their date, they kiss, and then Jillian suddenly has to go and leave. As usual, this is going to be complicated for Elodie. Episode 5, “Works in Progress,” brings a new challenge for the character, and it’s how she reacts that will signify growth.
Tabitha and Moe make a poster for Noah to make him feel important at the football. Moe reckons they were better when they were hooking up in secret — Tabitha calls her a commitment-phobe. Afterward, Tabitha heads to a salon for an appointment with Keish — she’s tired of being restrained and wants to celebrate her heritage in whatever way she wants — she goes for stylish plaits.
Elodie approaches Jillian about her running out on their date. She assumes she misread the situation. Jillian tells Elodie she’s not “out” yet, and she isn’t even sure if she’s gay. Elodie makes it clear that she doesn’t want to be someone’s secret and walks out — evidently, her experiences with Sabine has extremely impacted her as she’s treating Jillian exactly the same.
While riding home, Moe sees Chase (from a robotics competition) on the side of the road with a flat tire. As she helps with the tire, it’s obvious that they have a lot in common. Back in school, Tabitha shows off her new braids. At the football, Moe remembers she forgot her poster for Noah. She finds it under a car wheel and struggles to get it out. Moe is having a lot of bad luck with Noah — the story is thematically tearing this relationship apart.
Elodie meets Jillian again. She states she never had to come out as she always knew she was gay, but she is still figuring things out and offers for them both to progress together—”Works in progress.” This was a sign of maturity from Elodie, who is not just learning from her experiences but also attempting to understand someone else.
At the football game, Tabitha speaks to Kayla about Brady and lets her know that she’s there if she ever wants to talk about him — Kayla quickly dismisses the offer, but Tabitha is cool and calm about it. Moe returns to the game with her poster and distracts Noah while he is taking a penalty kick; he misses, and his team loses the game. Moe apologizes, stating she was trying to show up for him. Noah says he’s done and walks off; we assume they have broken up from here.
Moe goes to the robotics room and tells Chase she wants to get on with some “robot sh*t,” as she is sure Noah has broken up with her. She tells Chase that she’s bad at being “Basic.” Chase tells Moe that she’s cooler than everyone at that football game and calls her incredible. Moe asks Chase why he’s being so nice. Chase claims he’s being honest, not nice, and they kiss. She pushes Chase off him and says, “Woah. What was that?”. Outside the classroom, Kayla is messaging Brady a photo of Moe and Chase kissing. Trouble is brewing.
Trinkets season 2, episode 5 has plenty of drama, but at the root of it, there’s this sense of compassion and kindness with an element of self-love.
Episode 6 – “Ocean’s 11th Grade”
Well, Elodie and Jillian are really hitting it off, hooking up in the school bathroom. Suddenly, Rachelle and another student walk into the bathroom, and they have to keep quiet — they can’t help but giggle. Anyway, as for Moe, she manages to speak to Noah, and her boyfriend apologizes for shouting at her. She apologizes back, confirming that they haven’t broken up. The problem is Chase, and she kissed, so she’s fretting with her conscience. Trinkets season 2, episode 6, “Ocean’s 11th Grade”, sees Moe’s world spinning way too fast, and she needs to find a way out.
And the person she doesn’t want spinning it is definitely not Brady…
Brady approaches Moe in the corridor and asks for a favor. He wants help with his midterms and wants her to steal information from Miss Shaw’s laptop at the hotel at the robotics competition. He tries blackmailing her, stating that he knows things that Noah wouldn’t want to know, but she brushes it off.
At a cafe, Elodie’s sponsor gives her the 30-day chip and praises her for doing so well. Episode 6 quickly moves to the robotics competition, where Moe is with Chase. Brady texts Moe about her kissing Chase and she knows now what the blackmail is about. She heads to the hotel room and tries logging into Miss Shaw’s laptop. Chase joins her in the hotel room and discusses the elephant in the room (that they kissed), and they need to put their head back into competition. Moe tells Chase that they need to be friends as she still has a boyfriend.
Tabitha talks to Elodie about Ben and explains that they have a vibe — she’s had a crush on Ben since eleven. She hasn’t told Moe. Back to the robotics competition and Moe needs access back to the hotel room so she can get back to the room. Brady texts her again with more blackmailing but the receptionist won’t give her a room key she needs for access to the laptop.
Elodie and Tabitha turn up, and Moe tells them both what happened. She also reveals that Brady is blackmailing her. Moe is very upset, believing she has messed up with a very decent guy. Tabitha offers to steal the exam data—Elodie states she cannot steal, but she will help with interference. They put their plans together to get into the room. This is a big moment for Elodie, who genuinely wants to overcome her addiction.
In the end, Elodie gets into the hotel room, and Moe gives her the instructions. In the robotics competition, Elodie and Chase’s team started losing. Elodie looks quite disheartened that she’s failed on her 30-day chip by stealing the data for her friend. She texts Jillian to make herself feel better. Moe’s robotics team wins the competition anyway despite the many distractions.
Elodie invited Jillian to the hotel, so her friends gave her a room key to use. Ben finds Tabitha at the hotel (she’s waiting for Elodie to finish with Jillian). Ben reveals he’s had a crush on Tabitha since they were kids. She admits to having a crush on him. He asks Tabitha for a dance.
Elodie and Jillian hook up in one of the hotel rooms, but Elodie seems distracted — she feels it’s been an intense day. Jillian holds her hand and cuddles her. Elodie reveals that she is a virgin, and Jillian is relieved.
Elodie walks out of the hotel with Tabitha and throws her 30-day chip in the bin — she starts again. Episode 6, “Ocean’s 11th Grade”, is a little convoluted, but we learn a lot about Elodie’s mindset, which the audience will appreciate.
Image from ‘Trinkets’ Season 2, Episode 6 (Credit – Netflix)
Episode 7 – “Same Time Last Year”
Tabitha is hanging out with Ben. Ben shows her his body art. She notices a scar that he got from military school. Tabitha shows her a small tattoo on her wrist—the triangle that signifies a trio. Ben tells Tabitha that Moe is not going to be cool with “this” (referring to them both getting romantic). Ben then asks Tabitha about a scar on her arm and where she got it from.
A flashback ensues; it’s a Brady family meal that Tabitha attends. Brady is getting hurt by his family, but Tabitha has to leave. Brady accuses her of being selfish and smashes some glass nearby, cutting Tabitha’s arm. This moment traumatized Tabitha, realizing someone that she loved could get so angry at her. In the present day, Moe arrives, so Tabitha asks Ben to hide in her room — Moe is worried about the stolen tests. The pair discuss Thanksgiving and their plans, and Tabitha starts panicking as Moe gets closer to the stairs. It’s going to get ugly in “Same Time Last Year” — at this point, you know.
Moe has a flashback about Danny (her father), who rings her from prison and asks about Thanksgiving. He asks for some cash so he can buy a toothbrush and promises it is nothing shady. Back in the present day, Moe tells Tabitha to have a Friendsgiving and Ben can cook. Tabitha suggests going to see Elodie first as she’s trying to find a way of allowing Ben to leave her room without Moe seeing. The sneaking around is not a good look.
We are then treated to a flashback with Elodie — she’s playing a ukelele in front of her mother, and she seems happy. In the present day, her father checks up on her. Elodie sends Jillian a song she made and then heads down to her family to help with Thanksgiving cooking. She is reminded of how her mother did the cooking. Moe and Tabitha come over and ask Elodie’s father if Elodie can come to the Friendsgiving, and they also invite Elodie’s parents.
Back to Elodie’s flashback and her mother suggests that she spends time with her father at Christmas in Portland which infuriates her. In the present day, she’s stealing from a store. In the present day, Elodie tells her friends that it’s her first year without her mother. There’s clearly a void for Elodie in episode 7 that’s really impacting her.
Friendsgiving is starting, and Ben heads over. Tabitha makes out like Ben is not her type. Moe says her brother is sacred—well, this is an awkward scene, and it’s surprising Moe cannot sense anything. Moe apologizes to Tabitha for trying to lecture her about relationships. Elodie’s family then heads over, and Friendsgiving is in full swing.
Moe gives the speech, cuts the turkey, and tells them all the love she has for them. Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door—Moe and Ben’s father, Danny, arrive. Moe asks for a talk with Ben privately in the kitchen—she’s fuming at her brother that he never told her. Moe’s mother tells her to make the most of her father being there—Moe is fuming at the dinner table and making snarky comments.
The table takes turns to discuss what they are thankful for. When Moe’s father, Danny, gives his thanks, Moe tells him he cannot act like a proud dad. Her father meets her at the back of the house for a talk. She asks him why she is not enough for him. He claims he wrote a letter, but she immediately stated she burned it, and Moe’s father is impressed at her feistiness. He then says it hurts the woman she is because he is proud and that he doesn’t deserve it. Parent issues are still rife in Trinkets– a raw moment for Moe.
Her father then offers to go and asks if he can call her later in the week. She accepts his offer. As he walks off, the father gives Moe some advice — keep a hold on something you love, something he failed to do.
We are then treated to another flashback of Moe; it shows the moment the first time she met Noah and they flirted a lot. In the present day, they eat pie together. The pair seem warm together again. Moe and Elodie then finish the pie together. As for Tabitha, she joins Ben in the kitchen and complimented him on how he handled things.
Tabitha then tells Ben how she got her scar. Ben apologizes and thanks Tabitha for trusting him, vowing never to hurt her. Tabitha says that Ben makes her feel safe. The pair kiss and Moe sees and says, “F*ck you both. I’m out”. Trinkets Season 2, Episode 7 does not benefit from the flashbacks at all; the strong context was a little heavy and could have easily been communicated without supporting scenes.
Episode 8 – “Black Friday”
Elodie finds out she has been selected to sing at a musical venue and she’s buzzing. She rings Jillian and asks how her holiday is going; she tells her about the songwriter showcase she’s been accepted to. Jillian recommends “parent trapping” Moe and Tabitha to sort out the issues after Moe found out about Tabitha and Ben.
Tabitha’s father tries to discuss joint custody with Tabitha but he also brings up the high credit card bill; she walks off and states that she chooses her mother. Meanwhile, Moe is still fuming at Ben and Tabitha. Ben tells her it isn’t about her but she calls him selfish. Their mother intervenes and Ben walks off. Nothing in Moe’s life is simple at the moment and episode 8, “Black Friday”, continues that trend.
Elodie gets Tabitha and Moe together at the mall and asks them to sort it out. Moe then finds out that Elodie knew, too (about Tabitha and Ben), and now she doesn’t trust either of them. Elodie then joins her family for Christmas shopping and starts stealing—her stepbrother sees, but she tells him to be quiet. Her behavior is now influencing her family, and this is not a great precedent to set.
The next morning, Moe’s mother is worried as Ben hasn’t come home. Moe promises to find Ben and tells her mother to get rest. As for Tabitha’s problems, her mother tells Tabitha to give her father a chance. Elodie attends the songwriter showcase, and Jillian shows up. She gives Jillian a stolen bracelet and thanks her for being there.
Moe finds Ben drinking in an abandoned warehouse. He apologizes for going behind her back. Moe talks about how she feels when she looks at Noah, and Ben says the same about Tabitha. The siblings seem to understand this issue. Moe tells Ben to call his mother, and she heads to the songwriter showcase.
Elodie gets on stage and sings with her ukelele. She gets a little nervous and keeps breaking off, but then Sabine joins her on stage randomly and gives her confidence. The pair sing together, and Jillian looks a little hurt. Moe and Tabitha watch the performance and are impressed. Jillian walks out. The hurt on Jillian’s face is obvious. The scene is softly delivered to understand the anxiety and hurt that was running through Jillian’s mind in that one moment. The room was swallowing her.
Backstage, Sabine congratulates Elodie and asks if she’d like a drink. Elodie says she has to find her friend. Tabitha and Moe explain that Jillian told them she was making her musical debut. Elodie gets off while Tabitha and Moe make up. Moe likes how Tabitha brings out something positive in Ben and gives her a blessing. Elodie gets home and keeps repeatedly trying to contact Jillian, but she won’t answer her, and she has blocked her from social media. She also has another problem; her stepbrother is stealing now after she saw her in the mall. “Black Friday” is confirmation for Elodie; she needs to sort out her addiction once and for all.
Tabitha’s parents talk to her about the credit card again. It’s a huge bill. Tabitha is surprised and claims she didn’t do this. Her mother believes her. The father agrees to call the credit card company, and Tabitha agrees to have dinner with him on the weekend.
Moe has decided she is going to come clean to Noah about Chase, the kiss, and the blackmail—she calls herself “Moe 2.0.” Elodie speaks to Jillian at the school lockers. Jillian feels humiliated at the songwriter showcase. Elodie says there is nothing there and that she and Sabine are “beyond broken up.” Jillian does not feel like it’s nothing and wishes Elodie luck.
There is more drama as Brady is asked to go to Miss Shaw’s office. As for Moe, she finds Noah outside, and she’s super excited to see him. Noah reveals he found that Brady cheated on his math test and turned him in. Moe panics, and Noah receives a message: It’s a photo of Moe and Chase sharing a kiss. Noah says he’s sick of the lies and that they are done for good this time, so he walks away. Moe is devastated, tears streaming down her face.
This is a massive shame as Moe is finally finding a balance in her life and coming to terms with who she is, and then this happens. Trinkets Season 2, Episode 8 shows all the dramas coming together as the characters lose their grip on controlling their lives.
Episode 9 – “Aren’t You Gonna Say Something”
Brady insists that he never cheated on the test. He tells Miss Shaw that there’s a rumor about her test being available online. He tells her he is happy to retake it. This may not end well for Moe, who confronts Brady about what he’s done. He’s smug about it.
Moe meets Tabitha and Elodie in the bathroom. Tabitha states they need to deny it. Moe is concerned that Chase may have seen her on Miss Shaw’s laptop, but she’s sure he didn’t register it. Moe asks Chase who he thinks stole the test data from Miss Shaw’s laptop. He isn’t sure, but he’s sure it wasn’t him or Moe, and he feels they need to talk to Miss Shaw about it. This is super awkward for Moe — it’s out of her control regardless of how she tries to take control.
Elodie tells Tabitha that she’s unsure how to tell Jillian she’s over Sabine. Tabitha tells Elodie that “Sabine will Sabine”. Elodie then makes Tabitha aware that Sabine has invited her to a recording studio — Tabitha joins her. Surprisingly, Luca turns up with sandwiches for the band but then he runs off. Tabitha chases after him and demands explanations. She then accuses him of stealing her credit card information.
Luca admits that he’s f*cked up. He gives her the expensive watch that he purchased with her credit card and drives off. Tabitha smashes the watch on the floor. This moment wasn’t particularly about the credit card — it’s about the fact that the character keeps having her trust taken advantage of by men.
Moe tries to talk to Noah, who tells her that the whole test-cheating scandal is linked to her and that Brady blackmailed her. Noah wants everything to be okay for Moe, but he doesn’t want her back.
At the studio, Sabine asks the producer to play the demo. It’s Elodie’s song that has been sampled by Sabine. Elodie looks at Sabine, clearly feeling something, and tells the producer to stop. Sabine thought the song was about her, but Elodie claimed the song was about her mom. Elodie leaves the studio upset, stating she wants nothing from Sabine, and then heads to a store to steal. She starts stealing frantically, getting more and more upset. The store owner doesn’t say anything, which makes her even more upset. Her relapses are getting more and more aggressive.
In a records shop, Jillian agrees to meet Elodie and it’s a little awkward. Elodie tells Jillian about her secret that she’s ashamed about — that she’s addicted to stealing and it started when her mother died and she does it when she doesn’t want to feel anything. Jillian says she really likes her but her older sister covers up an addiction and she can never tell if she’s lying or telling the truth. She walks away from Elodie.
Tabitha tells Ben that Luca stole her credit card, which has impacted her truth issues even more. She’s tired of getting with someone and being someone she isn’t. Ben tells Tabitha that he’ll give her time and space to find out who she is. Tabitha wants the time to find out who she needs to be — this relationship did not last long, but Tabitha needed this — it’s a good choice for the character who has been used and abused frequently.
Sabine sends Elodie her song and says she can keep it as it is hers. Rumors are flying around about who stole Miss Shaw’s test. Suddenly, Miss Shaw and security walk into the cafeteria and grab Chase—he’s the number one suspect, much to the horror of Moe. Trinkets Season 2, Episode 9 sees the trio lose complete control as the consequences of recent events become damaging.
Image from ‘Trinkets’ Season 2, Episode 9 (Credit – Netflix)
Episode 10 – “We Belong”
Moe tells Miss Shaw that Chase didn’t do it, but the teacher doesn’t want to listen. Brady tells Moe to keep her mouth shut and that it’s not his problem. Rumors about Chase have spread all around the school. Moe tells her friends that she has to come clean. In the changing rooms, Tabitha notices bruises on Kayla’s body and tries comforting her.
Jillian tells Elodie that she’s “come out” and her friends know. Elodie congratulates her and Jillian said she “kind of” did it for her, as she doesn’t want to hide anymore. Jillian says she feels free now and it’ an exciting moment in her life.
At the Anonymous Group, Elodie stands up and speaks. She’s tired of feeling ashamed and that she’s been stealing in secret — she doesn’t want to carry lies anymore. Elodie returns home, empties everything she has stolen, and asks for her father’s help; she returns all the stolen items to the stores. Elodie’s growth in the second season is a beautiful development for the character. “We Belong” shows she is more aware of her actions than ever before and how they impact others.
Elodie tells her father that she’s truly grateful for him and he returns the same words. During the night, the three women agree to come clean about the test results. They don’t want Brady to get away with it either, which spurs a great second half of the ending of Season 2.
At school, Moe tells Noah that she doesn’t think she’s worthy of his love but that she’s going to try and fix it. She tells him that he is the best thing that has ever happened to her — she wants to go back to the moment when they met. Noah tells her that they can’t go back. Harsh words by Noah but you can tell he’s struggling with the breakup in “We Belong”.
Elodie gives Jillian a gift that she bought — it’s only a small gift. She asks for another chance and Jillian wonders if she can think about it. This leaves their story open for season 3 (if there is one).
Brady tells Tabitha that he got into the college he wanted, but he didn’t get everything. Tabitha tells Brady that she isn’t scared of him anymore, and she shows her grit and determination in “We Belong.”
The trio of friends heads out late at night. They head to the school and put their plans in place. The women feel free now that they’ve come clean, and then they head on a road trip and go to a beach. At school, everyone is shocked at what they see. There are posters of Brady and photos of Tabitha with her bruises. The posters admit that the trio stole the test data but that it’s part of a bigger story — “We may be thieves but we are not liars”. The whole school is in shock.
Brady shows up and sees all the posters showing his texts and the abuse. Kayla tells him it is over. Noah tells Brady that he messed with the wrong girls. He’s left alone in his own deserved demise.
Elodie looks at the ocean for the first time. She was meant to go with her mother, but she believes she would have liked her best friends. She throws some of her mother’s ashes, her eyes filling with tears, but there’s also a hint of happiness there. The trio enjoys the beach. Trinkets Season 2, Episode 10 shows plenty of character growth, but more importantly, it presents a core story where the female characters take the power back off their abuser. It’s a significant message and one that will resonate with many women around the world. Rather than letting Brady control the narrative, they wrote the ending.
Read More: Trinkets Season 1 Recap and Episode Guide