It comes as no surprise that Your Fault ends in heartbreaking circumstances. Nick and Noah break up mainly because the couple failed to communicate and be honest. Their lack of trust rears its ugly head at the Annual Gala during a tumultuous ending.
How Nick and Noah Broke Up
If there’s one thing that Your Fault does perfectly, it is articulate heartbreak.
During the Annual Gala, Nick’s ex, Briar, seeks revenge and lets Nick’s mother, Anabel, into the gala via the kitchen to cause trouble.
Nick’s family is dismayed to see Anabel, but because the event is sacred, they do not want to cause any drama, so they allow Anabel to speak to them outside.
Anabel first reveals that she did not abandon Nick and that Will and the lawyers did everything they could to stop her from having custody of him. She also reveals she did not split up the family because Will was already having an affair with Rafaella before she met her new husband.
(Noah already knew this but did not tell Nick as she wanted him to read the legal letters she planted in his office).
But then Anabel reveals a shocking revelation. She explains, via a paternity test, that Nick’s father, Will, is Maggie’s father. Consequently, she wants Will to provide for her and her daughter due to his parental rights.
This is a shock for the whole family, but everyone is curious about how Anabel got the DNA. Noah has a face of shame, and she reveals that she allowed Anabel into Will’s house, which is why she took Will’s toothbrush to get his DNA.
Noah not only does not reveal to Nick that she knows his mother’s information about not abandoning him, but she also allows his mother to destroy the family. The family is at breaking point. Anabel has all the ammo she needs. Clearly, she did not care about Nick; she just wanted the money.
Nick feels betrayed and breaks up with Noah at that moment. Anger consumes him. He feels he has been stabbed in the back. To get revenge, which is not a wise move, Nick walks over to Sofia in front of Noah and kisses her. Noah hurt Nick, so Nick hurt Noah—a vicious cycle leading to further regretful events between Noah and Michael.
The heartbreak is etched all over Noah’s face. It feels and looks over for her and Nick.
Does Noah Sleep With Michael?
A question on our minds in the lead-up to Our Fault is whether Noah slept with Michael. While it appears she did, it’s not entirely clear. Is this on purpose? I suspect the ambiguity will be answered in the third film.
Leading up to this pivotal moment is the aftermath of the Annual Gala and Nick and Noah’s breakup. Before Noah leaves the gala, Briar gloats to her about ruining their lives. She shows Noah photos in which it looks like Nick and Sofia are intimate before the kiss she just witnessed (they aren’t—the images are misleading).
Noah then finds Briar and asks her where Noah is, but she’s still gloating. She then reveals that she was pregnant but lost the baby in the accident they were involved in, and his family dealt with the situation. Briar makes it clear she wants Nick to pay for what he did. However, Nick appears unaware of what his family did after the accident involving him and Briar.
Nick, realizing that he made a massive mistake reacting and breaking up with Noah (and subsequently kissing Sofia in front of her) heads over to Noah’s college apartment, but she isn’t there (Noah cannot get in to her apartment because Briar stole her keys).
Noah, drenched in the rain and heartbroken, heads to the apartment of college counselor Michael (who has wanted to sleep with her since the start of the movie).
Noah is despondent and doesn’t want to talk, but she kisses Michael anyway. The heart necklace that Nick gave her falls to the floor as they hook up (symbolic of her failing relationship with Nick).
Again, it’s not clear what happened between Noah and Michael, but Noah does not look happy after. She seems as heartbroken as she did at the gala. She heads back to her apartment and sees a drenched Nick outside, waiting for her.
But Nick can sense that Noah has done something with Michael. Noah walks away, and Nick drives off, finalizing their breakup for good.
The ending of ‘Your Fault’ leaves Noah and Nick’s future uncertain (Prime Video)
The Ending of ‘Your Fault’ Sets Up ‘Our Fault’
At the end of My Fault, Will and Rafaella are determined to keep Noah and Nick away from each other, but at the end of Your Fault, they both feel guilty for what they’ve done. They sense that from now on, Noah and Nick will blame them for their relationship not working out (hence, the title of the next film, Our Fault).
The third film may show the parents doing the right thing and finding a way to make amends for Nick and Noah. That is the suggestion in this scene, anyway.
The ending of Your Fault also gives a shred of hope for Nick and Noah. When Noah visits her father’s grave, she sees that Nick has written on the gravestone that says:
“Noah, I Will Always Be Your Light In The Darkness – Nick.”
Sometimes, couples need a watershed moment to realize they are meant for each other. But honestly, from a realistic perspective, the events of the annual gala and what happened after would be difficult for any couple to recover from.