We Have a Ghost (2023)
The story follows the Presley family, who have just moved to town. Frank (Anthony Mackie) and Melanie (Erica Ash) have found a home that’s a fixer-upper but cheap. They have two children. The oldest, Kevin, is having some trouble adjusting. That’s until he runs into a ghost named Ernest (Stranger Thing‘s David Harbour) haunting their attic.
‘We Have a Ghost’ Filming Locations and Production Explained
We Have a Ghost is based on a 2017 short novel by Geoff Manaugh – though director Christopher Landon created new parts, like the threat...
We Have a Ghost Review and Ending Explained – Aimless and Stagnant Family Ghost Film
It’s always interesting when watching a director try to straighten out their R-rated horror careers. That feeling was apparent in Christopher Landon’s We Have a...