‘Silent Witness’ Season 20 Review – Truly Becomes Great In The Finale

By Jonathon Wilson - September 25, 2017 (Last updated: November 21, 2024)
Silent Witness S16 - Generics - Leo Dalton [WILLIAM GAMINARA], Jack Hodgson [DAVID CAVES] & Nikki Alexander [EMILIA FOX]
By Jonathon Wilson - September 25, 2017 (Last updated: November 21, 2024)

Now, I know it’s lazy, but please check my review of season 19 for the full description of the show. It seems silly repeating myself again this year.

So, 2017 was a big year for one of my favourite shows. Silent Witness premiered its 20th season! As it was such a landmark year, I had expected the show to pull out all the stops. I can at least say that this was the case with the final two-part story of the season. For much of the rest of it however, this year’s Silent Witness fell slightly below its usual standard, which left me asking myself a certain question…

Performances this year were given to us by the same people, but there was a greater focus on one person who I think has previously been treated as a more minor character. Liz Carr plays Clarissa, and I absolutely love her in the role. Carr makes me laugh a lot with the dry tones in which she delivers some of Clarissa’s more light-hearted lines – she always has done and I’m sure will continue to do so in future seasons of the show. It’s also great to see someone with a disability have a regular role on such a brilliant and beloved series. Finally, British TV is beginning to move forward!

A couple of the storylines for this season didn’t feel quite as riveting as others that have been covered by the show in the past. I guess after twenty seasons, I should have expected the show to feel a little tired. However, I was able to forgive the writers after watching the final two episodes of this run. Oh. My. Word. What a finale!

I’m fairly certain the creators of those two episodes had recently viewed Buried and used it for inspiration, but I was still very impressed. The performances from Emilia Fox and David Caves were absolutely tremendous, and really added to the baseline tension already created by the writing. Plus, if nothing else, that very last episode just confirmed to me that all us girls need a man like Jack in our lives.

I mentioned at the beginning that I found myself asking a certain question throughout this season in regards to the future of Silent Witness, or whether indeed it should have a future beyond this point. After all, twenty years gracing our screens isn’t to be sniffed at. I had my doubts about whether it would, or should return, given that it had just felt slightly flatter than usual. However, I suppose I wasn’t ready to give it up yet as I massively rejoiced at the news it would return for its 21st birthday next year. Phew!

Overall, Silent Witness didn’t quite live up to expectations during its first four cases, but well and truly made up for it with the finale. As much as I can say I felt a tiny bit disappointed by this season, I can’t deny that I looked forward to every Monday and Tuesday evening when the episodes were being shown. It is a show that has a special hold on me, and I suspect it will have to go seriously downhill before I’ll ever be able to comprehend not watching it, so it’s dead safe for now.

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