‘Francesco De Carlo: Cose di Questo Mondo’ | Netflix Comedy Special Review

By Daniel Hart
Published: April 12, 2019
Francesco De Carlo: Cose di Questo Mondo


Francesco De Carlo: Cose di Questo Mondo is a funny, relatable and engaging stand-up from the laidback, truthful Italian comedian.

I’ve never come across comedian Francesco De Carlo because… well, because I’m not Italian. But it did strike up my memory of the usual debate on social media about Netflix’s rise and absorption of all content. While watching the comedian’s new Netflix Special Cose di Questo Mondo I reminded myself that I would have never have watched it if it wasn’t for the platform, so surely that’s a good thing? Cose di Questo Mondo is delightfully funny.

One of Francesco De Carlo’s opening gambits in his Netflix Special is that usual anxiety when in a foreign country, and you become consumed by the fear of a cross-language miscommunication; he tells the audience about the time he delivered a stand-up to a South Korean audience, and his jokes landed so severely he wondered if he was in the right Korea. You know you are in safe hands when he delivers this joke; there’s nothing better than a stand-up comedian that tries to push the boundaries.

If you are not Italian, then I imagine some jokes about their culture and habits will wash over your head. I certainly struggled with the boundaries of the context within the subtitles. However, his willingness to relate to everyday situations is a joy. He tells the audience not to give their number or Facebook, as undoubtedly while drunk he will stalk your profile and swipe through the photos, and end up doing something embarrassing. He justifies his joke by saying everyone does it; he’s probably right.

It seems with Netflix there is no in-between when it comes to the stand-ups it attracts, from Ricky Gervais to Amy Schumer to Kevin Hart, and Francesco De Carlo: Cose di Questo Mondo further proves their strength in this market. The latest international stand-up is well worth the viewing.

Netflix, TV, TV Reviews