Mortel Recap: I Guess This Was Okay

By Daniel Hart - November 21, 2019 (Last updated: February 17, 2024)
Netflix series Mortel Season 1, Episode 6 - The Puppets' Tears
By Daniel Hart - November 21, 2019 (Last updated: February 17, 2024)


Mortel Season 1, Episode 6, “The Puppets’ Tears” is an okay ending to the poor series but it does serve some outrageously strange twists.

This recap of Netflix series Mortel Season 1, Episode 6, “The Puppets’ Tears” contains significant spoilers. You can read the recap of the previous episode by clicking these words.

Well, I’m glad it’s over. The finale was not bad, but there are some twists in here that made me laugh.

It opens up with a Reda flashback, where he is tied up and the unknown man summons Obe (Corentin Fila). The God tells him to kill Reda and he will deliver his promises. The man stabs Reda, but Obe is still trapped.

Victor will not stop drawing so Sofiane checks on him in Mortel Episode 6, “The Puppets’ Tears”. He blurts out, “I’ve realized it is all connected”. At the dinner table, Victor reveals all the family secrets and then has a psychotic breakdown — Sofiane calms him down.

Luisa tends to her grandma at the hospital after failing to get rid of Obe. Victor confides in Sofiane about his night with Luisa and then offers to kill the person who murdered his brother. Victor is out of control. Before all the drama ensues, Sofiane admits to Melanie that he has been an idiot to her and asks her to not give up on him. She walks away. Good on her.

Victor tells Luisa of his plans to kill the man who killed Sofiane’s brother. Luisa says she does not want to lose him but he insists he is going to go ahead with the plans. Sofiane and Victor call Obe but it was shortlived — Victor finds out Sofiane has been abusing his powers and his body is starting to change. They visit Laurine again, but this time they use Mrs. Jourdan to enter her mind. Victor dives in…

Mrs. Jourdan stops Laurine from jumping out of the window and demands to know who the person is behind the door. The person whose head is covered appears and Laurine reveals his name is Herve — one of Luisa’s grandma’s clients.

Luisa summons Obe and realizes what she needs to do. She meets Herve and offers to help him. Herve suspects she is not trying to help him and threatens to kill her. Victor and Sofiane fight security guards to try and help her. Luisa and Herve are in a struggle and Victor uses up all his energy to throw everyone to the ground.

As Sofiane reaches Luisa, Obe demands that he kills Herve but Luisa begs him not to. Victor gets his energy back and tries killing the man, but Luisa pushes Herve out of the window — breaking the blood oath by killing him herself. Luisa casts a voodoo spell on Obe and condemns him to the mortal. Obe is now dead.

The rest of the finale signs the story off. Victor’s family organize an intervention and ask Victor, “Do you believe an invisible God gave you powers?”. He says yes, and his mother weeps before giving him a hug.

An old friend visits Luisa’s grandma and tells her about the signs and asks if he can count on Luisa, who enters the room and confirms she can. It looks like Luisa is part of some Charmed society.

Victor tells Sofiane that his family is sending him back to a mental health hospital and Sofiane wonders why he is allowing his family to carry out such an act. I wondered this as well. Victor delivers Luisa the bad news and she is upset that he is leaving. In return, Victor shows her a vision of their future, which is them two having sex. They hold on to each other during this vision and then she orgasms in the middle of the school corridor. Nobody bats an eyelid. I found the entire scene to be outrageous if I’m honest. And also, wouldn’t it be hilarious now if he cannot live up to his game when the time comes in real life? There’s no way virgins perform that well.

And then the big twist that I could not care less about. Mortel Season 1, Episode 6, “The Puppets’ Tears” ends with Sofiane creating a better relationship with his parents. Someone rings his house doorbell. When he answers, it is his brother Reda.


You can read the season 1 review by clicking these words.

Netflix, TV Recaps