Twogether season 1 is a fun experience and we hope it appeals to the fans of the stars as they clumsily enjoy their adventures.
Netflix series Twogether season 1 was released on the platform on June 26, 2020.
I was a spectator of Twogether with the perspective that I have no idea who these two stars, are but I can only presume that they are a big deal. The creative Netflix travel series pits these two stars together on a journey around Asia, given a range of tasks to “test” them as they try and succeed in their goals. It’s a strange, worthwhile concept as the director seems to amuse himself by updating what’s next on the agenda. From a fan’s perspective, I can only imagine that watching these stars foolishly try and take on the world is an amusing and heartwarming experience.
With the travel series highly fan-themed, Twogether slightly reminded me of Netflix documentary BNK48: One Take – I’m not sure if this is a more Asian-inclined industry standard but I find the connection between stars and fans compelling, fruitful and genuine. The star-fan interaction is most certainly something that lacks in the UK and I do ponder whether the differences in culture brings that. In the opening episode of Twogether, the stars are put on a journey with limited money to find their fan in Indonesia, which leads them to the caves of Yogyakarta. Like Karl Pilkington’s Idiot Abroad, you can tell that Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu did not expect half of the tasks thrown at them as they seem slightly out of their comfort zone.
As the series wears on, Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu’s travels range from Prambanan Temple to Damnoen Saduak market — ax-throwing to water bicycle racing. Twogether season 1 is a fun experience and we hope it appeals to the fans of the stars as they clumsily enjoy their adventures.