It’s Okay to Not Be Okay Season 1 Episode 15 opens Do Hui-jae watches Sang-tae slowly drift off to sleep after she has drugged him. She uses his phone and rings Gang-tae. She tells him to meet her at the Cursed Castle. Gang-tae enters Mun-yeong’s place and sees Sang-tae asleep on the sofa and panics. This is a serious moment for the story.
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay Season 1 Episode 15 Recap
Gang-tae confronts Do Hui-jae
Do Hui-jae explains that she has tranquilized Sang-tae. She then talks of how she created Mun-yeong like a piece of art. Gang-tae gets angry and claims she is a human being, not a project. Do Hui-jae gets angry, blaming Gang-tae for Mun-yeong changing into a different person. It’s clear she wants to bring her daughter down to her level. Do Hui-jae asks Gang-tae to kill her so he gets his revenge and so that his ill-fated relationship with Mun-yeong will continue. But Gang-tae fights back the urges, saying that will never happen.
A flashback – the bird with the broken wing
But the evil woman continues to persist.
Do Hui-jae tells Gang-tae the story to prove it was Mun-yeong who was at fault for his mother’s death. His mother sees a young Mun-yeong looking at a bird with a broken wing. Mun-yeong asks Gang-tae’s mother if she should kill it. The mother confronts Do Hui-jae about Mun-yeong and the bird, but Do Hui-jae dismisses the conversation.
A feeble reason for killing their mother
In the present day, Gang-tae is upset with the reason for why his mother was killed. Do Hui-jae states that his mother made out like Mun-yeong was a lunatic. An angry Gang-tae starts strangling Do Hui-jae, placing her head on a desk — he’s giving into to his urges to kill her. As he strangles her, he remembers Mun-yeong saying, “She’s still my mother,” so he lets go. Do Hui-jae stabs Gang-tae with an injection and calls him a coward.
As Gang-tae collapses to the ground, Mun-yeong enters the room, and Do Hui-jae reminds her that they share the same blood. Mun-yeong tries stabbing her mother but Gang-tae stops her, stating she promised not to react if the butterfly shows up. Gang-tae collapses and Mun-yeong is upset. Do Hui-jae tells Mun-yeong that she should have listened to her. We are seeing 14 episodes come to this pivotal moment between all the characters and it is tense.
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay Season 1 Episode 15 (Credit – Netflix)
Brave Sang-tae
As Do Hui-jae is about to stab and kill Mun-yeong, Sang-tae hits her at the back of the head with a book and tells her not to hurt her brother and sister. All the characters look like their younger selves now — their whole history came full circle. So much baggage in one room brought on by one evil woman.
Do Hui-jae is arrested
The police arrive and arrest Do Hui-jae. She tells Director O that she won because Gang-tae and Mun-yeong can’t be together; she made sure of it. Director O states that humans lean on each other
While she is put in the police car, Director O asks what she did with patient Ms. Park Ok-ran. She explains how she told the patient what do i.e. deliver a letter at Mun-yeong’s place but it’s time for her to leave the stage. Director O tells Do Hui-jae maybe it’s also time for her to leave the stage.
If I stay with you, my life will be miserable
Director O jokingly tells Mun-yeong that Gang-tae may never wake up. She leans by his bed, tears rolling from her eyes, and tells him that he’s sorry as he keeps getting hurt because of her. Mun-yeong feels his life will be miserable if he stays with her. The character makes a valid point but it’s based on one perspective and as this Netflix series has taught us, perspective is important.
Please leave
Gang-tae finally wakes up. Mun-yeong asks Gang-tae to come downstairs as they need to talk. Mun-yeong explains to him what happened and that he should leave so he doesn’t have to suffer any longer but Gang-tae wants them to overcome the nightmare. Mun-yeong asks him to leave with Sang-tae in the morning because she doesn’t want to be tormented and walk on eggshells all her life. She looks Gang-tae straight in the eyes and states that she means it.
Thank you Sang-tae
Episode 15 offers another sweet moment between both brothers who manage to shine a light in dark moments.
The next morning, Gang-tae hugs his brother and thanks him for saving all of them. Sang-tae is confused as to why the head nurse would do all of that. Gang-tae states that she hates the idea of others being happy. Sang-tae tells Gang-tae that they should live together as a family and if Mun-yeong asks them to move out then they should all move out together. Gang-tae is more specific and asks what if Mun-yeong asks them both to move out. Amusingly, Sang-tae says, “Over my dead body”. As the series wears on to final moments, it’s becoming evident that Sang-tae is the protector of the trio, not Gang-tae.
Even Mun-yeong cannot persuade him
Sang-tae tells Mun-yeong that the evil woman tried to hurt her because she didn’t want her to be happy. Mun-yeong tells Sang-tae that they won’t be publishing the book anymore because she doesn’t want to — she tells Sang-tae that she wants him and his brother out by the end of the day. Sang-tae says, “Over my dead body” and sits down.
I can’t overcome it
Gang-tae hands in his resignation at the hospital. Director O is also standing down. Gang-tae tells him that he cannot breathe and that he lied to Mun-yeong about being able to overcome it. Director O concludes that staying together torments Gang-tae but breaking up will be equally painful — he asks Gang-tae why he didn’t kill Do Hui-jae and he says it was because of Mun-yeong — she prevented him from blowing up. Both Gang-tae and Mun-yeong are like yin and yang; they both hold different energies but they complement each other — I believe that is what Director O is trying to explain to Gang-tae.
I’m retired
Mun-yeong tells Lee Sang-in that she is retiring from writing and she is going to do what she wants — she no longer has any stories to tell — “You are free now”. Lee Sang-in is understandably emotional and tells her to change her mind but she tells him to stop whining. Lee Sang-in believes if Mun-yeong doesn’t write, she won’t live anymore.
The story of the two brothers
Gang-tae tells Mun-yeong that she cannot live on her own anymore because she now knows what it feels like to feel warm and have a full stomach. When he touches her face she goes under the covers and asks him to leave. Gang-tae tells Mun-yeong the story of two poor brothers who provide each other with bags of rice as they were worried each other would run out as they did not live together. The moral of the story is, siblings should live together so they didn’t do pointless work to look after each other. Gang-tae tells Mun-yeong that he wants to live together as the ending point of his story. But she carries on being quiet so Gang-tae yells at Mun-yeong and tells her to stop being stubborn.
Gang-tae seems frustrated because he’s constantly chasing for her validation that they can remain together.
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay Season 1 Episode 15 (Credit – Netflix)
We can’t leave yet
Mun-yeong wakes up and tells Gang-tae to go back and live where he used to. He says he can’t because the water pipe burst where he was. It’s a blatant lie but he’s holding on as much as possible.
Everyone helps out
Episode 15 sees a turning point for Mun-yeong — for once, she feels cared for by many.
Nam Ju-ri rings Mun-yeong and asks for a favor as her mother is sick and she has a night shift. She asks for help. Mun-yeong heads over and Nam Ju-ri’s mother doesn’t seem sick. She provides Mun-yeong with food as she hasn’t eaten in days. Gang-tae and everyone planned this for Mun-yeong to make sure she’s okay and that she eats. They have provided all of Mun-yeong’s favorite food. Mun-yeong asks why everyone is nice to her; Nam Ju-ri’s mother lists a few reasons but one of them is because she treats Gang-tae for who he is. And that notion matches the story; everyone was wary of Mun-yeong until they started to see that Gang-tae was happy.
Sang-tae’s latest drawing
After being fed, Mun-yeong returns home to see Sang-tae asleep on the stairs. She wonders what excuse Gang-tae will use tomorrow to not leave the house. Sang-tae says “Over my dead body” at the prospect of leaving. Sang-tae tells Mun-yeong to check his work so he can become an illustrator and work with someone else. He shows her his latest artwork; it’s Gang-tae asleep when he’s happy. Sang-tae says he saw it for the first time recently — genuine happiness. Mun-yeong starts crying and states it’s beautiful. Sang-tae offers her the drawing.
How does It’s Okay to Not Be Okay Season 1 episode 15 end?
Sang-tae reveals that they planted a tree for their mother at the hospital which throws Mun-yeong off slightly. Mun-yeong visits the tree and says she’s sorry. Gang-tae appears beside her. He tries making a joke but she doesn’t laugh.
Gang-tae states he will keep trying to overcome what happened and get through and asks Mun-yeong to stop pushing him away. She walks away and he stops her. As she keeps walking, Gang-tae shouts “I love you”. He keeps repeating it as she walks off and you can tell she’s enjoying it a little bit. It’s a mirror of the scene when she kept shouting at him earlier in the series, repeating that she loves him.
Gang-tae returns to Mun-yeong’s place and continues to repeat that he loves her. She tells him to stop saying it but he grabs her and gives her a kiss and then carries her to a table to kiss her again. Episode 15 is a dramatic penultimate chapter of the series with the characters’ childhoods coming full circle as they finally face their demons head-on.
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay Season 1 Episode 16 Recap
Episode 16 begins with where episode 15 left the story with Gang-tae making a move on Mun-yeong. As they are about to kiss they hear the deer outside and Gang-tae shouts at it — both characters laugh. Gang-tae tells Mun-yeong that he loves her again and as he kisses her, a single tear leaves Mun-yeong’s eye. That tear signified that she was finally happy — she has found someone.
I want to be an illustrator
Sang-tae tells Jae-su that he wants to quit working at his shop. Jae-su tries offering him a pay rise but Sang-tae talks about his desires to be an illustrator. The pair hug it out. Sang-tae’s maturity is to be admired as we reach the closing stages.
The photo on the tree
Mun-yeong asks Gang-tae why he hung the photo on his mother’s tree. He explains how he wanted his mother to meet her and explain that they are a family now.
Future plans
Episode 16 sees things slowly coming back to normal to begin a future of happiness.
Mun-yeong and Gang-tae wake up next to each other naked, clothes dashed everywhere to signpost to the fans that they had sex. Gang-tae prepares food and tells Mun-yeong that he quit his job and he’s going to study — she tells him to stay by her side and do the online classes. Gang-tae tells Mun-yeong that he wants to show off the book she did with Sang-tae. This is a funny scene as it demonstrates how overprotective Mun-yeong is. She doesn’t want him to go to real classes so she can feel assured no-one else will try have him.
The book
Mun-yeong shows a drawing to Gang-tae — the one that Sang-tae drew of his brother happy. She said after she saw the drawing, she decided to change the story for publication. Gang-tae tells his brother the good news that his book which he made with Mun-yeong will be published. Mun-yeong tells him she can’t buy him a camper van anymore because they don’t wish to move anywhere.
Mun-yeong gives Lee Sang-in a choice
Mun-yeong gives Lee Sang-in the manuscript of “The Murder of the Witch in the West” and the freedom to publish it. She gives him a choice — either publish her mother’s book or hers. Lee Sang-in says she isn’t going to publish a book by someone who gave her so much pain. Lee Sang-in seems to have grown in this scene — he could have sold Do Hui-jae’s book and made loads of sales but chose friendship. The pair leave “The Murder of the Witch in the West” in the cafe. However, afterward, he texts Seung-jae asking her to pick up the manuscript so they can make loads of income. He accidentally sent the text to Mun-yeong — he hasn’t grown up in many ways at all despite his growing romance with Nam Ju-ri.
Visiting mother in prison
Episode 16 brings a surprising scene for Mun-yeong who is desperate to get closure so she can start a new life.
Mun-yeong visits her mother in jail and explains how Gang-tae and Sang-tae are her family but her mother disagrees and tells her she loves her — “You’re so precious to me”. Do Hui-jae keeps trying to manipulate her. Mun-yeong explains how she’s happy that she never changed into a demon like her and feels sorry for her for not being able to feel the warmth. Mun-yeong vows to remove her mother from her memory before leaving. Do Hui-jae screams after her stating she cannot erase her — “You and I are the same”. Mun-yeong tells her that butterfly symbolizes “cure” before walking out for good.
In the next scene, Sang-tae is painting a new butterfly on his mural. The symbolism comes into full effect to demonstrate all the characters are cured.
I quit!
Seung-jae and Lee Sang-in head to a trash yard and look for “The Murder of the Witch in the West”. Believing that Lee Sang-in is getting the book for himself, Seung-jae quits the company. Afterward, Lee Sang-in invites Nam Ju-ri for a drink to vent.
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay Season 1 Episode 16 (Credit – Netflix)
Sang-tae’s achievement
The finale of It’s Okay to Not Be Okay then brings a sweet moment that feels rather genuine — episode 16 isn’t doing anything in halves.
The next day, a copy of the new book is brought to the house; Sang-tae is super excited at seeing the book and his name inside. Lee Sang-in is worried the book will not do well because it isn’t Mun-yeong’s usual style. Sang-tae tells his mother’s tree about his achievement of becoming a professional illustrator. As he reads the book to her, he’s crying in happiness. Gang-tae looks on and cries and puts his arm around Mun-yeong and then hugs his brother. What a pivotal moment and this is the start of Sang-tae’s full development in the series — it gets better later.
The book launch
Before the book launch, Mun-yeong and Sang-tae argue who is going to read the book. The book launch is in the hospital. They read their book “Finding the Real Face”. Mun-yeong, Sang-tae, and Gang-tae read it together. The story is very relatable to various moments of the series; a touching story for the finale. Suddenly, Sang-tae and Mun-yeong argue over one of the pages believing it’s their part. It’s a good end to the scene, showing that nothing ever changes.
“And you’re here”
Nam Ju-ri tells Lee Sang-in that the argument between Sang-tae and Mun-yeong may work in his favor in terms of marketing. She also tells him that he’s a strong person. Lee Sang-in reveals he’s not moving back to Seoul and one of the reasons is that she’s here. He touches her hand. The series at least confirms something is blossoming before ending.
Director O has a surprise
On the way out of the hospital, Director O has a surprise for Mun-yeong, Sang-tae, and Gang-tae. For the mural, he has given Sang-tae a camper van. Gang-tae tells Director O that it’s too much. The director explains that the trio has gone through so much. He tells Gang-tae to go on long road trips and learn about the world. What a sweet gift from the director who is leaving the hospital himself.
Let’s go on a road trip
Episode 16 sees one last bit of drama before the series ends for good and the butt of the joke is Gang-tae.
Gang-tae has to explain to Sang-tae what a trip means and that it involves returning. Sang-tae doesn’t understand the concept. Gang-tae then tells Mun-yeong that she can get inspiration from road trips with the camper van. Mun-yeong suggests a day trip instead which frustrates Gang-tae — she tells him to calm down and count to three. A drunk Gang-tae tells Jae-su and Lee Sang-in that he feels betrayed by Sang-tae and Mun-yeong over not wanting to go on a long trip — he feels ostracized.
Hungover trip
When Gang-tae returns home, Mun-yeong and Sang-tae have suitcases ready for a long road trip. It was a surprise and Gang-tae is emotional (and very drunk). The next morning, Gang-tae is very hungover for the journey. They park up to camp; Gang-tae throws up while the other two eat. Mun-yeong mocks him, wondering if this is how he imagined the camping trip. The audience is then treated to a montage of scenes of this small family enjoying their long road trip. It’s a happy ending for sure.
I’m sorry
During one of the nights, Mun-yeong sits next to the fire with Gang-tae. She apologizes for hurting him twice physically and hopes she’ll never hurt him again. She then thanks him for bringing her on the trip. And then… she tells him she loves him and this time it is for real — she means it. If you did a scene by scene comparison of this moment and the earlier moments, you’d find it hard to grasp. It’s been a long journey up until this very moment.
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay Season 1 Ending Explained
The next day, Sang-tae tells Gang-tae he wants to work and do illustrations as it is more fun for him. Gang-tae suggests they go home but Sang-tae wants to go back on his own and let Mun-yeong and Gang-tae continue to have fun.
When Mun-yeong enters the conversation, Sang-tae reveals another children’s book author is in love with his illustrations and wants to work with him — “I’m needed”. Mun-yeong says she also needs his illustrations.
But Gang-tae has realized something and asks Sang-tae if he will be okay without him — “Won’t you need me?”. Sang-tae says “Moon Gang-tae belongs to Moon Gang-tae”. This brings a flashback where Gang-tae shouts at his mother claiming he belongs to himself.
In the present day, Sang-tae also says he belongs to himself. Gang-tae cries and realizes his brother is ready to look after himself more. Sang-tae thanks him. This scene confirms this story has been just as much about Sang-tae as Gang-tae and Mun-yeong. It brings well-woven, full-circle character development to the story that’s integral to the happy ending — it isn’t wishy-washy, there are reasons to why everyone is happy — genuine reasons.
Lee Sang-in then picks up Sang-tae. Mun-yeong and Gang-tae carry on their road trip. The series then finishes off the book “Finding The Real Face” — the three characters have found their true faces. Sang-tae realized this when he saw Gang-tae was happy — that’s where all the happiness began.
The finale of It’s Okay to Not Be Okay does not bring any fiery dramatics but it exemplifies what happens when good writing comes together at the end of a story.
What did you think of It’s Okay to Not Be Okay Season 1 Episodes 15 and 16? Comment below.