Servant season 2, episode 6 recap – what happened in “Espresso”?

By Daniel Hart
Published: February 19, 2021 (Last updated: last month)
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pple TV plus series Servant season 2, episode 6 - Espresso


“Espresso” does plenty in 25 minutes, as the return of George becomes a useful three acts of answers, but plenty of rambling scriptures as the characters struggle to deal with the situation. There’s much left to the imagination for the finale.

This recap of Apple TV+ series Servant season 2, episode 6, “Espresso” contains significant spoilers.

The last episode was a true turning point, but episode 6 seems more compliant, even given audiences more answers as we reach near the end of another season of Servant. Episode 6 opens with Dorothy falling asleep next to the baby cot, but then Sean comes home and wakes her up. He’s excited because he’s bought an espresso machine for their home. As he gets excited over the machine, the baby wakes up. He seems more content with his new toy than his newborn baby.

Uncle George is coming

It then flits to the present to provide a continuation; Leanne’s uncle George enters the house and asks Julian where Leanne is. He’s frustrated that she’s ended up back here, and Sean calms the situation. As Dorothy goes upstairs, she can see Leanne as enjoyed plenty of cake and tells her that George is downstairs. She insists that Jericho is coming home.

Interestingly, Dorothy is so blinded by Jericho’s return that she cannot see the strange happenings in the house.

George fears the house

Uncle George tells Sean and Julian that the house is in despair and asks how long Leanne has been here. When he learns that it’s been a week, he freaks out and starts praying. He frantically runs upstairs to the next floor up the house — he doesn’t feel evil in season 1; he is genuinely scared.

God’s divine plan

George asks Julian why he isn’t scared of Leanne and what she has done; this provides a funny scene where Julian is prepared to fight the man, but then Sean tells Julian to leave him so he can try “talk his language”.

George tells Sean that Leanne has to be returned, but Sean questions it. George tells Sean that Leanne has had a rebellious streak from birth and that she strays from their communal meetings — he explains how his people are among the population, and they’ve been given a chance of life to enact God’s divine plan to help others, but that they can only help those that need their help, yet Leanne disobeys. He tells Sean that the baby cannot stay, as it wasn’t Leanne’s call to make.


George states that the best they can do is let Leanne go and pray for forgiveness. A flashback shows Sean receiving a phone call, and he’s asked to be a judge for a cooking TV show. In the present day, Sean cries, knowing that this is the moment he needs forgiveness for. George tells Sean that if he returns Leanne, he will heal him and be reunited with Jericho.

Servant season 2, episode 6 brings back a touching moment for Sean — at the end of season 1, Sean felt something, and he’s back to square one again; he knows there’s more to this.

Sean believes George

Sean tells Dorothy about George’s divine interventions; he believes him, and Dorothy can sense it, which frustrates her. Downstairs, George appears to be making some potion with certain foods and his own spit. Sean visits Leanne in the loft. She asks what her uncle was saying about her and wonders if he believes him. Leanne admits that she disobeyed her aunt and uncle and that Jericho cannot come home.

Meanwhile, Dorothy tries to hand George the money again in exchange for Jericho. She tells him that the money can help many disadvantaged children, and he’s free to donate the money to any charity.

George grabs the money and pours it into the hole in the basement where Dorothy tried burying Leanne. George picks up a hair from the hole, and it’s Leanne’s. He tells Dorothy that the infection is spreading and asks Dorothy to pray with him. Julian comes downstairs and he’s worried that the cash is in the mud and instantly starts taking it out of the hole.

Sean agreed to go on the TV show

Sean wants Julian to distract Dorothy while he returns Leanne. As they leave the house, Leanne asks Sean to drive her where they can’t find her — she wants Sean to promise. She tells him that George will not bring Jericho back. Sean promises, but Leanne can tell he’s lying. A flashback arrives, and Sean takes another phonecall and agrees to go on the TV show while Dorothy asks for help with Jericho. In the present day, Sean promises again, and this time Leanne believes her. He’s not ready to betray someone’s trust again after his recent memories of leaving Dorothy behind with the baby.

The ending

On the news, it’s reported that there was gunfire in the residential home that Leanne used to work at. In the basement, George tells Dorothy that she must own the part she played and keeps on shouting in scriptures. Suddenly, bugs come from the hole. As Dorothy comes upstairs, she sees the news regarding the deadly shooting at the residential home while Leanne and Sean stand there in shock. George looks at the news and says, “look at what you have done”.

Servant season 2, episode 6 does plenty in 25 minutes, as the return of George becomes a useful three acts of answers, but plenty of rambling scriptures as the characters struggle to deal with the situation. There’s much left to the imagination for the finale.

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