Tribes of Europa season 1, episode 2 recap – “Chapter 2”

By Jonathon Wilson - February 19, 2021
Tribes of Europa season 1, episode 2 recap - "Chapter 2"
By Jonathon Wilson - February 19, 2021


“Chapter 2” introduces the siblings to very new people and surroundings as the consequences of the opening episode are felt.

This recap of Tribes of Europa season 1, episode 2, “Chapter 2”, contains spoilers. You can check out our spoiler-free season review by clicking these words.

Picking up right where we left off, Tribes of Europa episode 2 opens with Liv coming to in the decimated Refugium, and almost immediately having to flee from Crows searching for the missing cube. She’s able to get the drop on one, who we’ll later learn is named Grieta, but she’s interrupted before she can kill her by the talked-about Crimsons, commanded by one David Voss. Love interest alert! Although his associate knocks Liv unconscious, which somewhat spoils the meet-cute.

Elsewhere, Elja finds a workshop and is about to open up the mysterious cube until he’s interrupted by the occupant — Moses, a Han Solo type who collects, repairs, and sells electronics from the old world. He’s immediately fascinated by the cube and believes it to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship, and then of course he sends Elja off for a part so he can flee with it. Classic scoundrel business. He has a quick change of heart, though, when Elja is promptly run down by a Crow on horseback. A longstanding superstar tag-team is formed.

With Liv at the Crimson base, Tribes of Europa season 1, episode 2 takes the opportunity for some worldbuilding. We learn the Crimsons are a military force but respect the cultural identities of the tribes under their banner, a bit like the Persian Empire, I suppose, and we also learn that the Crows operate out of a city fortress called Brahtok, where Kiano and Jakob have likely been taken to work in the factory that produces the drug they huff so enthusiastically before battle. The Crows also, apparently, never break their word or lie, which gives Liv an idea. David doesn’t fancy her chances of getting into Brahtok as anything other than a Crow or a slave, but she has other plans, as we’ll see.

Speaking of plans, Moses has one of his own, and proposes to Elja that they repair the cube and then sell it, splitting the profits 50/50. Elja begrudgingly agrees since what choice does he have otherwise? Thus, they head to the only person on the continent who Moses trusts to repair the device, and we don’t see anything more of either of them for the rest of the episode.

Liv frees up some time for Liv to put her plan into motion, first asking David if she can interrogate Grieta, since she might be able to get more out of her, not being a Crimson and all. The Crimsons are also looking for a less obvious way into Brahtok, so David agrees, and Grieta tells Liv that her family were taken as slaves and will be lucky to last three months. That puts a handy time limit on everything, which Tribes of Europa, at just six episodes, is happy to rush for. Liv’s proposition is this: She’ll get Grieta out on the proviso that she gives her word that she’ll do as she’s told. A Crow never breaks a promise, after all. Everyone, including David, seems to be on-side, but there are many different ways in which this plan can go wrong and trust me, it will.

Tribes of Europa season 1, episode 2 ends with Jakob and Kiano arriving at Brahtok and being separated — the former is lent to the Kapitan, and the latter is taken to the slave quarters. More on this in the next episode.

Netflix, TV Recaps