Family Guy season 19, episode 14 recap – “The Marrying Kind”

By Jonathon Wilson - March 15, 2021 (Last updated: September 15, 2024)
Family Guy season 19, episode 14 recap - "The Marrying Kind"
By Jonathon Wilson - March 15, 2021 (Last updated: September 15, 2024)


“The Marrying Kind” returns to the usual format and then some with a bog-standard episode.

This recap of Family Guy season 19, episode 14, “The Marrying Kind”, contains spoilers.

The last episode of Family Guy was a great and determined Terminator pastiche. “The Marrying Kind”… isn’t. It has its moments, certainly, but it’s very much a standard episode of the show, recycling a lot of old ideas and dynamics. There’s a laugh or two to be had, but you’ll forget all about as soon as the credits roll.

As ever, two plots divide the episode, both outgrowths of Mort Goldman marrying his fiance, Rachel, in New Orleans. Their wedding vows — all Jewish jokes and stereotypes, naturally — inspire Stewie to find his one true love, while the complimentary breakfast buffet leaves Chris and Peter dissatisfied with the options at home. Both storylines predictably go to rather absurd places.

Peter and Chris, for instance, realizing that having multiple breakfast options is the only way they can live their lives now, begin sneaking into hotels and snaffling the buffets, starting with a Best Western and graduating, eventually, to a swanky, exclusive place where it’s revealed that Chris has been compelled by the police into wearing a wire in order to thwart these awful breakfast-based crimes. Peter is able to escape, and Chris is sent to prison. It’s about what you’d expect.

So, too, is the B-plot of Family Guy season 19, episode 14, which sees Stewie ordering a bride from the Ukraine and inexplicably getting a job at an Enterprise to fund his new adult lifestyle. It’s a good gag, to give Stewie, who violently resists acting like the baby he is, a sampling of grown-up life, since it lets all his childlike qualities come through, such as how he’s too scared to have sex with his horny new wife. It makes a change from the endless insinuations that he’s gay, at least. Of course, Brian has no such compunctions about sex, and finds himself in bed with Stewie’s bride, leading to the three of them coming to a cuckold agreement at a Macaroni Grill.

This show is odd sometimes, isn’t it?

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