Maid episode 6 recap – what happened in “M”?

By Jonathon Wilson
Published: October 1, 2021 (Last updated: November 15, 2023)
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Netflix limited series Maid episode 6 - M


Just as it appears that Alex has made a breakthrough, Sean manages to ruin it all. Plus, the complexity of Regina gets established through just a few small lines of effective dialogue.

This recap of Netflix limited series Maid episode 6, “M,” contains significant spoilers.

Read the review of Maid.

Maid episode 6 recap

After Alex attends therapy, she struggles to find a landlord who will accept TBRA (Tenant-Based Rental Assistance). When the daycare centre hand over the wrong child to Alex and then nearly lose Maddy, Alex decides that it is time to put Maddy into a different daycare centre. Nate states that he will help her!

Alex drops off Maddy with Sean, only to find Hank with him. As they attend the same AA meetings, Sean and Hank sometimes get pie together. Her bid to find daycare improves after she finds a nursery that she thinks is fantastic, and through Nate’s help, the nursery agrees to cover half of the tuition through WCCC (Working Connections Child Care). Not only that, but there is also a needs-based scholarship, but in order to qualify, Alex must be able to provide proof of residence in Fisher Island. To help Alex, the nursery holds Maddy’s spot for 72 hours. But for Alex, she has major difficulty finding a flat that will accept TBRA.

After Regina’s surrogate gave birth, Regina now has a son! Whilst Alex cleans the house, she stumbles across Regina in the nursery struggling to build a crib. Regina freaks out and eventually allows Alex to help build it. Before long, the two are bonding and Alex shares mothering tips with Regina. With Regina in need of a live-in nanny, Alex suggests herself for the role. But when Regina rejects her idea, Alex asks if she could use Regina’s address so that Maddy could gain entry for the nursery. Shocked, Regina instantly refuses as she could be disbarred for mail fraud if she would do so and got found out.

The ending

Eventually, Alex is able to find a flat on Fisher Island by offering to cover half of the rent by taking care of garden care duties for free. At Maddy’s birthday party, Sean brings a date, his co-worker Frankie. With many of her friends siding with Sean, Alex gets isolated. Nate, however, is the one that keeps Alex company. The next morning after the party has ended, Alex is woken up by her distressed landladies. Sean is asleep in their house and has caused a lot of damage. Alex begs them not to kick her out. Despite her pleas, Episode 6 of Maid ends with Alex as she drives Maddy, Paula and all of their belongings to Nate’s place.

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