There’s Someone Inside Your House ending explained – who is the killer?

By Jonathon Wilson - October 7, 2021
There's Someone Inside Your House ending explained - who is the Killer?
By Jonathon Wilson - October 7, 2021

This article discusses the ending of the film There’s Someone Inside Your House, so it will contain major spoilers. You can check out our spoiler-free review of the film itself by clicking these words.

There’s Somone Inside Your House Recap

There’s Somone Inside Your House begins with Jackson (Markian Tarasiuk), a high school football player, who enters his empty family house before going for a nap. But upon waking up, he finds that his phone has been replaced with an egg timer. Rushing downstairs, he finds that the door is open. As he dials 911, he finds several photos that document him brutally beating up another football player, Caleb (Burkely Duffield). Directed to the closet by his phone’s ringtone, Jackson has his ankles slashed before the killer brutally murders him. Meanwhile, at the local football match, his family is waiting for him.

In the meantime, the movie’s lead character Makani (Sydney Park), is told by her Gran Gam (BJ Harrison) that she must focus on herself. Later that night, Makani awakes to find Gran Gam sleepwalking. Apparently, it’s a recurring habit, and Gran Gam is preparing for a sleep clinic.

Whilst at church and preparing for Jackson’s funeral, mean-girl Katie (Sarah Dugdale), speculates about who she thinks the killer is to Marcus. Except, Marcus texts to say he isn’t coming in. She realizes that she’s with the killer. Katie attempts to flee, but after she hides in the confessional, she gets stabbed to death. Shortly afterward, mourners arriving for Jackson’s funeral find her hanging over the altar.

After a curfew gets announced, Makani meets up with a social outcast and the suspected killer Ollie (Théodore Pellerin). After they make out, they attend a party. The theme of the party? Reveal your secrets, so the killer can’t use them against you. Alex (Asjha Cooper) reveals she has a crush on Rodrigo (Diego Josef), who just so happens to fancy her. Zach (Dale Whibley) reveals he is failing class whilst Makani tells everyone that she writes poetry, but doesn’t reveal she hooks up with Ollie.

With the “secret” themed party in full swing, Alex and Rodrigo make out. But after Rodrigo finds a pill on the floor, he follows the trail. He then comes across a bottle of Fentanyl pills. At that moment, everyone receives an alert on their phone. They all learn that Rodrigo takes Fentanyl pills. But bigger problems are ahead as the killer is in the house. Rodrigo flees from the killer and manages to go outside, but the killer shoots him with a taser gun, forces pills down his throat, and then slashes his throat.

With further speculation about the identity of the killer, Ollie appears to be the lead suspect. Not only does the fellow student think he is a creep, but he has access to a taser gun as his brother is the local deputy (Andrew Dunbar). Makani, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to share that thought and spends time with Ollie. But when he is on the phone, she finds a taser gun in his car, plus Ollie reveals that he did a background check on her, so he is aware of her secret.

At home alone, whilst Gran Gam is at the sleep clinic, Makani wakes up and finds all knives in the house are missing. Upon trying to call the police, she hears a recording of a previous statement, whilst several pictures are taped to the wall. The killer smashes through the window, tasers her, and pours petrol over her. Just as the killer is about to set her alight, Alex arrives. It’s enough to distract the killer, which allows Makani to attack them. The killer flees with Makani in the belief that Ollie is the one who attacked her.

Makani wakes up in the hospital, surrounded by Gran Gam and her friends. With her secret public, Makani explains that during a cheerleading event where she (and others) were force-fed alcohol, she accidentally pushed her friend Jasmine (Tally Rodin) into a fire. In an attempt to move on from it, Makani changed her surname and moved in with Gran Gam.

Whilst recovering, Makani watches the news of Ollie’s arrest whilst the Sandford Family Farms holds a Corn Maze. Later, Makani learns that Ollie has been released, and when she feels as though she is being followed, she runs into the school and bumps into Caleb. But as they hug, the killer stabs Caleb. Before Makani has time to react, the killer places the blood-soaked knife into Makani’s hand. Ollie runs up and puts pressure on Caleb’s wound. Makani realizes that the Corn Maze is the killer’s target.

The Ending

After they hear that Zach is at the Corn Maze, and potentially in danger, Makani, Ollie, Alex, and Darby (Jesse LaTourette) rush there. The maze is on fire. After Alex drives through it to make a path, they find bodies among the Corn Maze. They find the killer about to kill Zach’s Dad, Mr. Sandford (William MacDonald). They’re helpless as the killer brutally kills Mr. Sandford. This is when the killer takes off his mask and reveals himself to be Zach.

Zach reveals that he decided to cause chaos as punishment for all those around him that attempt to make him feel guilty for being a privileged straight white male. Ollie tries to shoot Zach with his taser, but when it doesn’t work, Zach stabs him. Upon revealing that Zach plans to set up Makani for the murders, Ollie, this time successfully, tasers Zach, which allows Makani to stab him in the chest.

There’s Somone Inside Your House skips forward to the graduation. Both Ollie and Caleb have recovered and Alex has been accepted into music school. It ends with Makani who reads one of her poems to the entire school.

You can stream There’s Someone Inside Your House exclusively on Netflix.

Movie Explainers, Netflix